Three Kingdoms (Continued)

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Okay, I have to admit that the usually clever Cao Cao was a bit stupid this time. Seeing that Cao Cao was going to attack both of them, Liu Bei and Sun Quan formed an alliance and Zhu Ge Liang even stayed at Sun Quan's territory for a few days. Although that was a bad idea, Zhou Yu, a strategist of Sun Quan who was also very clever tried to kill Zhu Ge Liang multiple times but all failed. Once he even told Zhu Ge Liang to make a hundred thousand arrows in three days or he would kill him but Zhu Ge Liang used a bunch of straw people and ships and 'borrowed' the arrows from Cao Cao. (Cao Cao was hopping mad lmao)

To attack Liu Bei and Sun Quan, Cao Cao had to cross the mighty Yangtze River which was a mistake in itself. Cao Cao's men were mostly from the north and they all sicked up on the boats. So the Sun Quan people took advantage of this and sent a spy who told Cao Cao to link all the boats together so they wouldn't get sick...

Woah, backtrack backtrack. I've gone too far eh? So before all this Sun Quan's men argued over themselves if they should surrender or not but with the help of the dude who tried to kill Zhu Ge Liang and Zhu Ge Liang himself they convinced Sun Quan that war was better than surrender.

Yeah, where were we? Cao Cao, alliance, boatsick, link boats together. Yeah, and one sneaking fella working for Sun Quan namely Huang Gai sent a fake letter to Cao Cao that he would surrender and bring some resources from Sun Quan. Cao Cao got fooled and when the Huang Gai ships came to 'surrender' he didn't suspect anything. But on the way to approaching Cao Cao's fleet, they caught fire and thus lit Cao Cao's ships on fire and because they were all linked together everything caught fire. (u dum ah cao cao)

So Cao Cao ordered a harsh retreat through the treacherous marshland where more and more of his people fell. They met Guan Yu on the way who was really angry and wanted to kill them but then his heart softened and let Cao Cao go. Cao Cao was safe, but his forces were all obliterated. Liu Bei and Sun Quan had won and Liu Bei even took back the whole of the Jing Province.

Ma Chao (remember him?) attacked Cao Cao but got defeated so he fled to Zhang Lu who was helping Liu Zhang at the time.

Liu Bei took over Liu Zhang and Ma Chao surrendered to him. Zhang Lu was taken over too. Cao Cao tried to attack Liu Bei again but with the genius Zhu Ge Liang on Liu Bei's side Cao Cao even lost the Han Zhong territory to Liu Bei. (succs to be you lol)

Cao Cao died of a head disease which could have been cured theoretically but he killed the doctor for treason he didn't commit. So his son Cao Pi took over and immediately butted the emperor out and declared himself the emperor of Wei.

Liu Bei, being the relative of the former emperor, was horrified and declared himself as the true emperor of Shu (Han). And remember Sun Quan attacked the Jing Province? Guan Yu died in the process. And two people killed Zhang Fei and defected to Sun Quan. Liu Bei was mad and wanted revenge. Everybody told him not to go, even Zhu Ge Liang. But he stubbornly refused and got annihilated by a sneaky warrior of Sun Quan called Lu Xun. Liu Bei almost died but luckily Zhao Yun saved him. He still died soon afterwards though, and his son Liu Chan took over who was... very... how do I put this... downright useless. He relied totally on Zhu Ge Liang and did nothing but drink and play all day in the palace. He was nothing like his father, and although he might be a bit likeable, that was just because he wasn't tyrannical. He was just plain stupid.

Zhu Ge Liang took care of a wild guy in the south and came to attack Wei, contacting Sun Quan for another alliance. Sun Quan agreed and declared himself the emperor of Wu. By this time Cao Pi had died too and Cao Rui took over, who was a bit stupid too. Sima Yi was sent to attack Zhu Ge Liang and Cao Rui himself attacked Sun Quan and surprisingly inflicted a defeat on Wu's forces.

Meanwhile Liu Chan stayed in the palace and caused a lot of trouble for Zhu Ge Liang, and even got manipulated by the enemy. Sima Yi tried to attack Zhu Ge Liang at first, but it was useless and he almost died in the process. From then on he just stayed in his camp and did nothing. Zhu Ge Liang was forced to wait too and tried to make Sima Yi come out and fight. But Sima Yi just stayed there.

Zhu Ge Liang died afterwards. Both Wei's and Shu's forces retreated and for 10 years there was nothing. Cao Rui died and was replaced by Cao Fang. (gosh why the Caos change so much)

Then one day Sima Yi along with his two sons took over the power of Wei. Sima Yi died soon afterwards and his two sons attacked Shu. Sima Shi, Sima Yi's older son died but Sima Zhao, the younger son successfully took over Shu, since Liu Chan was useless on his own really. And he died right afterwards.

Sun Quan became a bit corrupt and died and Sun Hao took over, who was the real corrupted thing. So Sima Yan declared himself the emperor of the new Jin, then destroyed Wu.

So there you have it. The new Jin Dynasty. History has much more twists than any story. The next chapter will reveal the future of the Jin Dyansty. Goodbye!

(MAN this seriously took two chapters?!)

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