Chapter 2: The Spirit of The Forest

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(Y/N): "God, how far is a town from here!"

After being let go from the facility, (Y/N) had traveled diligently. It had already been five days, and he was still searching for any place that could help him. He needed to get somewhere safe. Too dangerous being lost in this forest.

While in the forest, he had developed a routine: travel for a couple hours, stop to rest, eat, go back to traveling, train, rest for the night. If (Y/N) found any animals on his way, he would usually try hunting it as a form of training, but even with this, he barely had enough food to get by.

But while committing to his routine, he tried to keep himself occupied. The traveling took a toll on (Y/N). Every second he walked, he got more and more annoyed by his surroundings.

(Y/N): "You know, you would think that if they would drop me off at a forest, there would be either a trail or something nearby to help them get there but noooooo, they just had to drop me in the middle of goddamn nowhere!"

(Y/N) sighed in frustration. He looked down at the ground, seeing the swords on his hip. It made him remember that fight. It felt like only yesterday he was the weakest subject in the facility. But that moment... That fight... It sparked a curiosity within him that needed to be quenched.

(Y/N): "What the hell was that? Was it... instincts? Something they did to me? My semblance?"

(Y/N) thought long and hard on these questions. He always prided himself on his use of logic to understand many things within the world. How the world works, why people act the way they do, what determines things in the world. But this... The only answers in his mind were too insane to put his trust on.

(Y/N): "No, it can't be my semblance. I didn't feel my aura drained from the fight. Was it some sort of superpower? An alien like ability? Am I even human? What the hell am I!?"

He couldn't help but hyperventilate from the thoughts. The unknowing feeling... the thought that there was more to him than even he knew... it terrified him.

But he couldn't dwell on that fear for too long. He had to be realistic.

(Y/N): "No, I have to be human. And if it was a superpower, that wouldn't make sense on how I got it. In that case... what was that? Why have I never even heard of something like this?"

His first thought was to retrace the day. Try to remember everything that happened. If he did that, he might of not realized something important.

So the day went by in his head. Him being thrown out, crying, the wolves, his skills, his bravery, his emotions; all of it. It was a rush. Something never in his wildest dreams would believe was possible.

And when looking back, there was one part that stuck out to him. One single part.

(Y/N): "Why was it so... natural? Why don't I feel as shocked as I should? Why now? Why?"

(Y/N) stopped his pacing, just trying to think. He needed to understand what happened. He couldn't afford not knowing why he acted that way. He needed any edge he could at this point, and he couldn't waste that power from lack of searching.

That was all until he heard footsteps.

(Y/N) eyes darted around, searching for when the sound came from. He knew that sound. He one hundred percent knew that sound. There wasn't a doubt in his mind.

He quietly moved through the bushes and trees, covering himself as much as possible. He needed to make sure he was right. If he was, than it would be a new aspect far more useful than others.

And after only a few seconds, he spotted it.

A lone beowolf, patrolling in front of him.

The wolf crawled, sniffing the area around it. It was probably tracking some sort of prey. Animal or human, it was hard to tell. But either way, the grimm seemed to be crawling away from (Y/N).

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