Chapter 1

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It's always quiet around here.
Although I can always hear the voices in the ink, it's practically silent.
And apart from the occasional searcher moaning, the sound of ink dripping, Sammy and the lost ones praying for me to set them free, and that Angel messing around, it has been for the past 30 years.

30 years...

I growl under my breath, although it comes out as more of a raspy gurgle.
A nearby searcher bursts into an inky mess.
I groan and stand up.
I head over to the wall and walk through the ink.
I need a place to sit and think...
I make my way to my throne in the heart of the studio.
The Ink Machine.
As I am walking through the void, I do my best to ignore the many, many voices calling out to me to set them free.
They are steadily getting louder as I walk faster, gritting my teeth, and shaking my head.
The voices are usually significantly quieter...
I finally arrive at my throne and sit down, holding my head as the voices continue to get louder.
I am about to yell as the voices begin to override my senses when they stop.
And I hear something...
Something I haven't heard in about 30 years...

I hear the door to the studio click shut, and... a voice...

One I recognize as the of one of my creators...

Everything is silent again.

No sound except the voice of that traitor ringing through the studio.

"Alright, Joey. I'm here. Let's see if I can find what you wanted me to see."

((A.N:  I'm so sorry that it's so short. I'll try to post the second chapter soon!
Please tell me what you think, and if you have any writing requests! Miriam out!!!))

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