Chapter 5

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that's one of my earlier arts^
Sorry for not uploading for so long!! Here's a longer one for you guys! also I've gone back and reread my chapters and relized that they could use some upgrading. I'll be doing that at some point too. This is going to be just a backstory chapter and it's in 3rd person btw enjoy!

Bendy had never been able to talk.
He could laugh and change the shape of his mouth to show his emotions, but he'd never been able to talk.
He has tried on multiple occasions, but it never came out intelligible, so he just gave up trying.
But Bendy had ways other then speech to tell people what he wanted.

Oh the memories...

The screams of pain and terror, their pounding hearts, and pounding footsteps as they tried to run away all echoed in The Ink Demon's head as he gazed into the darkness.

Yes... I definitely got my point across...

It used to be the worst feeling when someone saw him and screamed.


To which Joey would answer:

"Don't you worry! He's just the mistake, the failed experiment. He's perfectly harmless. We have him under control. Now get back to work."

And they did.
They listened and believed what Joey had said.
That Bendy was a mistake, that he was the failure, that he was...

And Bendy believed it too...
Bendy had gotten used to being the cause of fear and panic.
He thought it was his fault that he was an inky abomination.
Joey made sure to let him know of that every day.
Until he learned that, even though all the times he had been put down and blamed, he had far more power than Joey had wanted him to have.

Humans are disgusting, filthy liars and don't deserve life. Back then, I was merciful, stupid and unable to properly defend myself. Now however, I can take it from them.
I sure showed them 'harmless'

He had always known the ink, his ink, was special...
He found he was able to manipulate and use the ink as his eyes.
He could travel through it as well as create and destroy life.
Once he got used to his abilities he harnessed them and used them to his advantage, starting to slowly consume the minds of the people around him.
The first one to go was Sammy.

He was always very grumpy Bendy recalls.
He always complained to Drew about the pipe leaks and whatnot, and yelled at everyone.
One day Bendy had noticed him, covered in ink and angry, storming into Joey's office but something felt different to Bendy.
He'd been around when the pipes had burst before and something about this time... well it just felt different.
Not necessarily in a bad way, just different.
He concentrated harder and saw that the ink wasn't only on the outside, but on the inside as well.
Sammy had swallowed some of the ink.
This intrigued Bendy.
He found himself wondering what affects the ink would have on a human, and what would happen if he were to interfere and and do something with the ink.
He decided that he would wait to see what happened, and if nothing happened, he would make something happen.
He didn't need to interfere, the next day, Bendy observed(through a cutout) Sammy as he stole and ingested a bottle of ink.
The next day the same thing happened, but this time someone noticed that there were 2 bottles of ink missing. This news got to Joey who, after failing to find the culprit, said that a lock was to be put on all of the supply cabinets and that no one but him, Henry and Thomas Conner were to know the code.
Sammy was weirdly upset by this change and did his best to get as much ink as he could.
It seemed to Bendy as though he had developed an addiction to the ink and could not get enough of it to satisfy himself because the next day he seemed very twitchy and pissed.
He had been unfocused due to his body's need for ink and had already used up his ink for that week.
Bendy realized that every time Sammy consumed more ink, the blob of ink inside him grew larger.
After another week, Sammy 'disappeared'.
At least that's what the studio and police thought.
But Bendy knew what happened.
He had been watching closely and had seen everything.

Sammy had finally cracked the code on the storage closets and had been drinking bottle upon bottle of ink.
The amount ink inside him got larger and larger until it consumed him.
He dropped the two bottles he was holding, they shattered and ink spilled all over the floor. He dropped to his knees, the broken glass cutting into his legs and allowing the ink to enter his blood stream.
Starring at his hands in horror, he didn't even notice the pain.
His hands were black.
Covered in ink, and it was slowly but surely spreading up his arms and the ink on the floor started covering his legs as well.
Bendy watched in amusement as he frantically tried to wipe the ink off his arm, only succeeding in spreading the ink further.
Bendy guessed he was partially in shock because he didn't even try to scream for help or anything until the ink had made it up to his neck.
The moment his mouth opened, some of the ink entered and blocked his air way, preventing him from speaking or breathing.
Bendy, who was still watching with fascinating, watched as he trashed around on the floor clutching his neck. He started losing consciousness as the ink reached his heart.
Then, because he was then fully ink, he melted into the ink and seeped through the floorboards.
Bendy was aware that Sammy wasn't gone.
Not completely at least, you see, all the ink flows back through the Machine eventually and his soul had fused with the ink so the Machine would recreate him. Recreate him as what though, Bendy had not the slightest idea. Back then he was locked away so was unable to watch the Machine and see.
So he sat, and waited.
And waited.

He never forgot Sammy, but he wasn't only waiting for him anymore.

The studio started to crumble around him.

His frustration caused the pipes to burst more frequently.

People quit or were fired.

More people were consumed by the ink, and he saw them all go.

Susie Campbell
Norman Polk
Allison Pendle
Thomas Connor
Grant Cohen
Jack Fain
Shawn Flynn
Bertrum Piedmont
Daniel Lewik

Years passed and his power grew.

Yet he still waited.

Henry left...

Joey lost his mind to the ink...

And finally, he was alone.

He was glad to be alone, but also angry that his creators had left him.

He eventually found Sammy.
He had gone completely insane and had started to think bendy, or the ink Demon as he was now known as, was a god capable of freeing people from the ink.
He worshipped The Ink Demon, brought sacrifices, prayed and chanted for Bendy to "set us free".
Bendy was completely fine with this at first. Who wouldn't want to be worshipped?
But after about 10 years it got more and more annoying.
Bendy couldn't understand why Sammy was asking him to free him from the ink when he was also trapped.
Bendy would walk around and hide if anyone came near to him. 
This caused a lot of the creatures down there to think little of him and mock him.
Finally he snapped.
He had had enough of this and was ready to show it.
He mastered the ink.
The next time someone mocked him, they found themselves face to face with not Bendy hiding, but an angry Ink Demon.
They exploded into thousands of little ink droplets that rained down and hit the ground with a splash.
It gave Bendy some satisfaction in a way he couldn't explain.
He continued on and caused one searcher after another to explode if they got in his way.
The Boris's and Alice's stayed away and of sight as well.

Now as he walks down a hallway, searchers and lost ones drop down left and right, trying to avoid the wrath of the Demon.
If they don't get out of the way in time they'll melt or explode, depends on what bendy feels at that time.
Another 20 years of this, Bendy grew more and more unstable and powerful. To him, there was nothing to do except bother Alice or kill a few searchers to pass the time.
He hadn't done anything to Sammy yet, but it was bound to happen eventually.

Then Henry came back, and bendy failed to kill Henry not once, but twice.
This infuriated him.
He will get his wish soon enough...

Heyyy guys!!!!! I didn't really know how to end this, or start it either really... anyway hope you enjoyed! I don't understand my own timeline... anyway baiii!
I'll hopefully get the next chapter out soon! (1517 words!!!)

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