Chapter 2

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((Art is mine... one of my better pieces if I do say so myself.))

I quickly switched my consciousness to a nearby cutout and watch as he carefully makes his way inside the building.
He starts exploring and finds one of those weird audio recordings I keep finding around the studio.
After the tape clicks off, Henry chuckles at the memory of Wally as he continues down the halls.

Soon enough, he is in the room with the prototype ink machine in it.

After a bit of examination, he finds the two dry cells, plugs them in, and pulls the lever((WRONG LEVEEEERRRRRR!!!)) Causing the ink machine to rise out of the dark.
After the expected gaping, he continues on down the halls, coming up on the break room.

As he nears the corner, know tense up.

I know what he is about to see...


He turns the corner and gasps.
He rushes forward and into the room where my used-to-be-best-friend is dead strapped to a table.

God, I hate Her...

I watch as Henry stares and whispers

"Oh god, Joey... what were you doing?!"

Oh... if he only knew what that traitor had done...

What he had done, to me, to... everyone...
Oh, wait.

He does.

I shake myself from my thoughts.
Henry has retraced his steps and found the break room.

"Alright. How do I get this to work?"

He studies the pedestals and the images behind them when he remembers what Wally said and goes off to get the cog.
Before he leaves the room, I move a cutout directly into his path.
I watch and laugh as he jumps back in shock.

"Who put this here?!?!"

It feels good, different even, to laugh again...
It looks like he is trying to keep an eye on the cutout as he continues on back towards the ink machine.
He eventually finds the cog and brings it back to the break room, placing it on its respective pedestal.
After some more examination, he decides to go back to Boris and get the wrench.
After that, he proceeds to get the plushie and the record.
Not long after, he finds that damned book and finally makes his way to the animation department.

"Oh hey! There's my old desk! I wasted so much time In that chair..."

Then, he turns around.

"Looks like they knocked a few walls down after I left. Guess it took a few people to replace me..."

I sigh and watch him snatch a small bottle of ink from under the main desk, then return to the break room and place it on its pedestal.
He stands back, hands on his hips, and just stares for a few seconds.
Then he says:

"Ok! That is all of them. I just need to get the ink flowing somehow. Should be a switch around here somewhere. Then I can start up the main power."

He and I both remember that the switch is in the theater.
I obviously get there first.
I'm going to scare him again!
I move a cutout to the entrance of the theater and wait until Henry is close enough.

Hell... he's so slow!

Eventually, he is where I want him to be.
I move the cutout so it pokes its head around the corner and then retreats.
Yet again, I'm rewarded with Henry jumping back and then running up to examine the cutout, eyes still wide with shock.

I'm actually somewhat enjoying myself...
For the first time in...
Maybe my entire existence!

Slowly Henry backs into the theater and turns the wheel that allows the ink to flow.
And flow it does!
As soon as he turns the wheel, the theater floor starts flooding with ink that is spewing from a leaky pipe.
He leaves the room almost completely covered in ink.
I find myself watching an ink-soaked Henry walk back through the studio to the break room, about to turn on the ink machine.
Before he flips the switch, I snap my mind out of the cutouts and back to me.
I quickly make my way to the smaller ink machine.
No more than a second after I arrive in the room I hear a click sound throughout the studio and the machine behind me starts churning out ink.
I glance back at it, ink is pouring out of the spout and splashing everywhere.
I grin a bit wider than usual and look at the doorway which for some reason has been boarded up.

Ah. No matter...
I know just what I want to do...

I sink into the ink around me, so he can't see me, and wait.
I don't need to wait long though.
After a few seconds Henry is at the end of the hall, and coming closer and closer to the boards.
I watch in anticipation as he walks, painfully slowly, towards me.
Then, he is in the right spot.

I spring up and throw myself against the boards, trying to grab him.
I just missed him because he fell back on his butt.
The way he looked at me...
you could see the utter, complete terror in his eyes...
It made me satisfied in a way...

But not as satisfied as I would have been had I actually gotten him!!

I tell myself angrily.
It made me pretty angry.
So angry I almost didn't realize he was running away.
Once I did notice, the ink around me started flooding the hall as I broke the boards and started chasing him but he was already too far ahead.
I roared in frustration as he just about reached the exit.
But just as he was about to reach the door, the floor collapsed from under him.
I ran up to the hole and looked down at him.
He was in a small room filled with ink.
Not enough to drown him, just enough to make walking difficult.
I watch as he gets up to catch his breath and try to figure out where he is.
I consider going down to get him, I'm still angry, but decide against it.
It's not really worth it...
I'll get my chance...

And when I do...

I smile.

I'm going to enjoy every damn second of it.

((WHHAATTT!!! 1050 words!!! Sorry, this came out late! I'm trying to work on the next one as I speak. So enjoy, comment if you like, And vote or follow me(or any of the other AMAZING writers I will tag below) if you are feeling generous))

These are some AMAZING writers that you should DEFINITELY check out!!!

Thanks!! Love y'all!! <3

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