Chapter 4

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((Hey! Sorry for the super late update! 😅 anyway that art up there is my only art that has ever gotten featured on the batim amino. Even though I have posted much better art. Well then. Yep! Enjoy!))

It's been about a day since I found out about Boris...

I pace back and forth in front of my throne, trying to figure out what my next move would be.
I am excited that Boris is back, but it seems he has decided to side with the creators...

An amazing choice for anyone wanting to get on my bad side...

I sigh.

EVERYONE is currently my enemy...

Or rather, I'M everyone's enemy...
I mean, I can't really blame them...

I AM a heartless monster after all...

And then there's Henry...
OH Henry. That bastard has slipped through my claws, escaping from me TWO FLIPPING TIMES!!!
I really can't let this happen again...
He is ruining my reputation...
I scowl at the floor as I continue to pace.
A searcher pops up out of th ink that surrounds the base of my throne and starts gurgling and moaning obnoxiously.
I whirl around and glare at it as my inky web starts to roam the walls.
It has, somehow, not noticed me (even though it is literally IN MY THRONE ROOM!!!) and continues to moan.
I am about to obliterate it, when I had an idea.
Then I obliterate it anyway because I wanted to and because I could always just summon more if I needed.
The searcher explodes into little ink droplets and melts into the rest of the ink.

That's better.

I smile.
I climb up the gear steps leading up to my throne and sit down, my feet touch the ink around the base of it.
The Ink around my feet grabs onto me and starts trying to pull me under, I'm aware that it does this sometimes, but this time instead of stopping it, I let it pull me under.

Soon I'm floating in an inky black void, very much like the one I use to travel, only, there's no light.
Just endless inky darkness.
I know that once I have some destination in mind the ink will comply and the light will appear.
I decide to go check on my fugitives.
The light appears and I walk though it.
The Ink void spits me out in the Heavenly Toys room.

Why here? This is Alice's area...

Then it hit me. 
She probably has them.
Most likely doing her dirty work...
And, if she's seen Boris, that's definitely on her mind as well.
My ink spreads out around me.
Slithering over the walls, floor, and ceilings closest to me, causing the room to darken slightly as the ink covers the lights.

This feels really dramatic...

I think to myself as I start slowly walking towards the big fountain in the center of the room.
I pass by it and ascend the left or the two staircases that were on either side of the fountain.
I walk past the moving conveyor belts in the toy factory, momentarily stopping to gaze at the plushies as they slide in and out of view.
I tear my eyes away and continue past the many shelves stuffed full of plushies, down the hall, into the next room.
I enter a room with only alice stuff in it.
Also there is glass all over the floor.
A glass wall that had been at the far end of the wall had been shattered, and from the other side of the wall, meaning, not the side I was on.
I'm not entirely sure why I felt that was important information but I shrugged it off, and continue searching.

After some wandering and coming up with nothing but a disturbingly large number of mutilated Boris clones, I decided to rely on my extended sight, rather than my normal sight.
I enter the void, so I won't be disturbed, and extend my consciousness and look through the eyes of a few of my cutouts in Alice's area, and look around.

Eventually, I do see Henry...
He has a wrench and appears to be trying to collect gears, for Alice no doubt.
I can't see Boris right now but I'm not concerned about that right now.
Right now, I have Henry in my sights and he is not getting away this time.

At least not on my metaphorical watch he isn't.

((And another art because why the frik not.

Beautiful am I right? [What happens when I get art block XD]

I'm working on the next chapter as I speak and I'll try to get it out soon.

I was wondering if I should maybe do some pov changes every little while. Like maybe switch to third person or Henry's pov and whatnot. Tell me what you guys want! Ok I'm done rambling.

Also if you are enjoying, please don't hesitate to comment, vote, or share! It helps a lot!!

Miriam outttttt

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