Chapter 3

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This chapter will contain some dark and absurdly hard to write sh*t. Mostly Bendy being a freaking psychopath.
Goddamnit Bendy...
(Art is mine. I apologize for the quality, It was one of my first art things.)

After I leave Henry, I decide to go try to do something else for a bit.
I end up heading down to 'Bendyland'.
That place isn't that bad actually, there are semi-rigged games, I am able to go mess with the butcher gang or Bertrum, I'm almost always alone -due to the fact that everyone here knows what's good for them- and that angel doesn't usually bother me. And it distracts me from Sammy's obnoxious everything and the voices that are always whispering in my head.

I step out of the wall in front of the high arched entrance to Bendyland.
As I'm walking the walls remain free of ink webs, as I'm relatively ok right now.

I laugh a bit.
It's pretty accurate.
This is my hell...
I step in feeling decent.
I guess I'm in a rarely good mood.
I grin to myself and go play some friken' games

≈Lè time skip≈
(Till Sammy is saying his monologue)

After about an hour, I'm bored again.
I decide to take a walk around the place.
Maybe see what Sammy is doing, or what Henry is up to.
As I'm walking, I can hear Sammy blabbing in the room below me.

"Shhh! Quiet... listen!!!!! I can hear him!!! Crawling above! Crawling!!!!"

I'm getting more irritable by the second.
The living web of ink reappears on the walls around me.
I keep walking until I come upon a room with some couches and chairs.
I flop down on the nearest couch and hold my head up with my hands.
I'm just trying to chill (What I imagine bendy was doing at the time XD) when I hear Sammy yelling again.


I abruptly stand up and march over to the wall, practically throwing myself into the inky void.
Oh Sammy... you have made a G͎͚̥͎͔͕ͥ̿R̼̯̤̗̲̞̥̈ͭ̃ͨ̆A̘̫͈̭͌͛͌̇̇̍V̪̩̜̜̙̜ͨ̽̄E̮̟͈̣̖̰̩̹͈̾ͨ̑͑ mistake...

I figure he's is in his summoning room, so that is exactly where i go.
As I emerge, the ink on the wall gets darker as way of reflecting my mood.
I start advancing on him, a strained, twitching smile plastered across my face.
As soon as he saw me he started to shake.
I guess he realized his mistake, because he started backing up until he was up against the wall.

"No!! My lord!!"

I continue to advance, ignoring his cries.

"Stay back!!!"

I stop right in front of him and smile down at him and hold up my hands as they grow into claws.
He stares in horror and tries desperately to persuade me one last time.

"I am your prophet!!! I am your–"

I cut him off by bending down and plunging my claws straight through his chest as he screams out in pain.
I quickly peer through the ink and take a look in the other room.
I see Henry tied up and struggling until he finally gets out.
I turn back to Sammy and slowly remove my arm.
He slumps over, and melts into a puddle of ink, leaving only his mask and axe behind.

I turn and walk back to the wall, walking through the void and getting out in the ink flooded room just at the end of the hall Henry was headed down.
I will use the same tactic as before: hide, then pop out and grab him.

I sat, hidden in the ink, and watched Henry chopped the last board down only to have his axe break in half.
He looked at the hall to the left, which had many boards, and then to the area I was in, looking back and forth until he sighed and stepped into the ink.
About five steps later it was time.
I popped up and towered over him for a split second, then he was gone.
He had started running down that previously boarded off hall, and so I gave chase.
I was gaining on him, when we turned a corner and saw a door at the end of the hall.
It was open.
He just barely slipped out from under my claws, and ran through the door, slamming it shut and barricading it behind him.
I growled and hissed as I scratched the door.
I tried using the ink to get in, but something blocked me every time.

I stop banging because I hear something from the other side of the door.

A can rolling...

Henry saying: "I know you're there. Come out and show yourself."...



Henry gasps...


Wuph! That was chapter 3.
Holy bujezuz that was difficult to write.
888 words...
Please tell me if you like what you are reading!
I'm not sure if I should or shouldn't get any darker.
But if you guys like it like that, (like I do usually. I love a GOOD friken' VILLAIN.) id be willing to write more cringy dark stuff for y'all.
Also, a weird fact about me is that I have inexplicably memorized Sammy's ENTIRE monologue. Including the part where he is yelling and gets killed by bendy.
Yet, I have never played anything but the first chapter.
hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you next chapter!
Love y'all!! <3
Miriam out-

Anywho, hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you next chapter!Love y'all!! <3 Miriam out-

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(Art is still mine)

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