5: Playmate

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Maddie was nervous. Momma kept looking out the window like she'd seen something. Maddie sucked her paci, making it bob between her lips.

'Baby, I have a friend for you to play with. A big girl.'

Momma pulled Amelie in.


Maddie wailed at the noise and Amelie hugged her gently.

'I'm sorry.'

Maddie nodded and Momma smiled.

'Amelie, you're my baby's first playmate.'

Maddie spent the next hour playing with her teddy and Amelie. She found herself slipping further and further, until words seemed impossible.

Suddenly hunger pains stabbed at her tummy. Maddie burst into noisy, snotty tears. It didn't matter that Amelie was there.

When she was cradled by Momma, and the teet of a bottle was pushed into her mouth. Maddie didn't fuss, just greedily sucked the warm, sweet milk. It was creamy on her tongue, different to any milk big Maddie had ever tasted.

When the bottle was empty, Momma patted Maddie's back until a burp came out. Maddie immediately covered her mouth with her tiny hands and pouted.

'All better, sweet girl?'

Momma kissed her forehead and Maddie nodded.

"Now sweetie, how about a nap?"

Maddie napped the rest of the day, with an exemption from class.


When she woke, Maddie was bring cradled... but not by momma. The arms around her were small and thin.

'Hey baby girl.'
Amelie stroked her face and Maddie pulled away with a whimper.

'Awww is baby scared?'

Overwhelming sadness bubbled in Maddie's belly, and tears pricked her eyes. She burst into tears, babbling a little but not managing any real words.

Her diaper felt heavy and hot. No. No. No. She was not a baby. Maddie turned big as she registered her situation.

'What the hell?'

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