12- I would be yours

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Chapter 12

Annaliese leads Zorander from the reception out onto the veranda, away from the crowd of people. Once out of the room, Zorander drops his arm away from her. Though she had been keeping a distance from him, she is immediately incensed that he would treat her coldly. Isn't he the one that was sitting with another woman? After their greeting yesterday, she had expected a much warmer reception than this.

She leans over the stone railing and stares out across the garden. "Having a good time, Mr. Zorander?" The mocking use of his title is beyond obvious.

He walks to stand beside her, his arms clasped behind his back. His tone is rough. "Yes. Lovely. And you, Princess? The wine seems to agree with you."

She looks over at him, her head swimming a little. She starts another rude remark but stops. This isn't her. With a pause, "Why are you acting this way? I thought-" She doesn't quite know how to finish.

"I thought you would be happy to see me," she finally continues, not sure if she is referring to tonight or this entire weekend in general.

He's quiet for some time before finally answering. With his head down, he growls a low, "What do you want from me?"

Annaliese furrows her brows and studies him, "What do I-?... I want everything from you.... I love you, Zorander"

She had envisioned that moment. Fantasized for months. And now there it is, spat out into the warm night unceremoniously.

He doesn't say he loves her. Instead, "To what end, Annaliese?"

She's stunned by his reaction. She could be angry, she could weep with hurt, but she's just too surprised.

"I don't understand what you're asking." She says simply. She wants to move closer to him but she is frozen in place, unsure where this will go.

"I really shouldn't be alone with another man's wife." He looks out into the gardens with an unknown expression.

"Now you're not making any sense." She pauses. "Is this about Nicholas? I told you I'm not betrothed it was just an offer. I'm allowed to refuse. I mean I WILL refuse." She tries to sound positive, confident. Instead she feels muddy and unfocused.

"And then what? You refuse this one and another will follow. You may not be Nicholas' wife, but you will certainly not be mine. Eventually, your Father will MAKE you choose. Best not turn away every handsome prince or you never know what you'll be left with." His voice rises into mockery and his smile is dark.

Annaliese, for her part is momentarily terrified. These are her own fears, thought so recently. But to hear them out loud, for someone else to say them, that gives power to the words. "But - but I don't want to marry a prince! I want you!"

He looks at her and the anger fades from his face. Now he just gazes at her sadly. Zorander approaches and puts his hands on her shoulders. Annaliese's breath catches. He leans into her and kisses her forehead. Her eyes close and she whimpers.

He pulls back, lips still almost brushing her skin and whispers, "If I could, Annaliese, I would be yours."

He releases her and walks away. Before he reaches the door he stops and, without turning around, "but we both know I can't." Annaliese is left standing alone, arms slack at her sides.

"But I-"

He's already back through the door headed to the ballroom.

Annaliese moves back inside and sees Zorander. Luciana has grabbed his arm and is leading him away. He isn't smiling, but he follows.

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