Chapter 1

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     (Hi everyone this is the first book I'm creating, so your input would be helpful. Enjoy reading!)
"If your as smart as the teachers say then I better not find you here tomorrow you understand that Punk?"
     Peter nervously scraped the toe of his black tennis shoe against the shiny granite floor of the crowded hallowed halls of Midtown Academy. The first two months at the Academy hadn't exactly been the nicest introduction to the real world; yes his grades were great, thanks to his brain but besides that everything had been downhill. For starters on his first day he had been tricked to pick the seat of the son of the principle who happened to be the head bully of the Academy, Edger Thompson also known as Flash Thompson. Flash immediately put Peter on the top of his bullying list which was half the reason why under Peter's green sweater he had a new collection of bruises not to mention the new pair of glasses he was wearing to replace the ones that Flash smashed last week the other half was his ridicules bad luck, the same bad luck that yesterday helped Peter hit Flash straight in the face with a volleyball during Gym class.
    Peter smirked slightly remembering the shocked expression on Flash's face when the ball slammed into him causing the famous bully to experience something he never felt before in his life a slight nosebleed. No matter what happened today Peter would definitely keep replaying that one moment of victory in his head for a long time.
      "Flash just might kill me this time around." Peter thought to himself as he glanced at the hall pass in his hand and then at the door of Class 1 C he was five minutes early so there was still a slight chance of turning around and slipping out before Flash; who was always late arrived.
"That's right I could hide in the library until music class started then I could meet up with Harry and the others and then they could help me get lunch without Flash noticing and..."
     "Hey Punk I see you really aren't as smart as everyone thinks you are." boomed the obnoxious gruff voice of Flash. Peter who had been lost in thought hadn't noticed the hulking shadow creep behind him, he slowly turned around and looked up to see the obnoxious grin on Flash's face his first instinct was to wipe that silly grin off and if he was considerably stronger and well versed in martial arts he would've tried it but unfortunately, he was only the scrawny nerd, Peter Park with messy black hair and dark brown Korean eyes, he was 5ft 3 and though he was fifteen and a half he looked a year younger especially with his black framed glasses on, he had absolutely no chance of wining against Flash who towered over him. His second instinct was to attempt to run but his legs were stubbornly glued to the floor.
     "Today is a field trip day how could a nerd like you forget?" Flash laughed before continuing
"Oh that's right, you must be too scared to remember anything besides the beating I owe you. Well don't worry punk your punishment has been moved to later today so you have my permission to relax until then" He continued to laugh before turning around to go join the rest of his buddy's.
Peter's blood which had frozen in the presence of the bully, started to boil. Yes he might have been scared witless yesterday to the point that he forgot about the upcoming field trip to Osborn Labs where his uncle Ben works, and he might be Flash's favorite punching bag but he was sick and tired of being Flash's slave. Peter took a step forward with every intent, to wipe that smug look off Flashes face, but before he could go any farther a hand landed on his shoulder stopping him.
   "Whoa there Pete I don't think that's best idea" said the familiar slightly worried voice of Peter's friend Harry Osborn the son of famous, Chinese American, Norman Osborn founder of Oscorp.
      Peter paused what was he thinking going to go hit Flash on purpose? He let out a puff of air releasing his pent up anger and straightened his black framed glasses before turning to his friend. 
"Your right Harry he isn't worth it." he mumbled
"Your, lucky I stopped you before you did something stupid. If you attacked Flash in front of everybody I doubt I or even my dad could stop them from expelling you." He paused as he glanced at his watch "we better hurry the bus is leaving in 10 minutes."

        Fifteen minutes later they were heading to Osborn Labs, Peter sat next to Harry who had won the window seat through their customary coin toss. Peter glanced around looking for his handful of other school friends but they weren't on the same bus, which disappointed him however Flash and his gang were not in sight either which was a good thing, he let out a sigh of relief seeing that he was safe for the moment.

"Hey what about yesterday?" Peter started "Did your dad keep his promise and go with you to your mom's grave?"
Harry frowned, his eyes darkened and narrowed slightly. From their long friendship of several years Peter knew instantly that nothing good had happened the day before.
      Peter had known Harry for about eight years ever since the Osborn sponsored week long Science camp which they both went to; Peter to learn, and Harry because his dad wanted him to be there. They had shared the same bunkhouse and It wasn't long before they quickly became friend's; they enjoyed the same books (when it came to fiction), they both played the piano and violin and loved music, and they had both had lost at least one parent when they were very young, Harry who lost his mother to cancer when he was three and Peter who lost both of his parents in a car crash when he was almost two. By the time Science camp ended they were sworn blood brothers. Afterwards they pieced together that the lab Peter's Uncle Ben worked at was at Osborn labs that information didn't throw a wrench in their relationship, Peter didn't care that Harry was rich and Harry didn't care that Peter wasn't as rich as he was. Uncle Ben was glad that Peter had found a friend and as for Harry's dad he didn't mind, from his perspective Harry had found himself a smart friend that at the moment didn't have any ulterior motives, which meant that Harry wouldn't complain as much when he left for business trips and after awhile Osborn himself viewed Peter as adopted family. 
          Eight years later Peter had the feeling that Harry had argued with his Father again which probably meant that they didn't go to the grave.
"So Harry do you think Iron Man will outsmart the Beetle in the latest issue of Starveil?" Peter asked changing the topic, referencing to their favorite History fiction comic created by Starveil.
Harry shook his head "It's ok, Pete, I was going to talk about what happened anyway. As you probably guessed, my Dad broke his promise again. You remember, he promised on my birthday that we would go to my mom's grave together to change the flowers well he was at another stupid meeting yesterday. I kind of burst into the meeting and sort of lost my temper. I asked him what day it was..." Harry paused for a moment before resuming "He doesn't care for my mother at all. He didn't remember what day it was, and I didn't bother to remind him. I just walked out."
Peter fidgeted, unsure of what to say. Yes, Harry's dad wasn't the best dad in the world, but at least he had a dad that was still alive.
  "Enough of that what movie do you want to watch on Friday? Should we play video games instead?" Harry asked switching the conversion onto lighter topics
"Video games! I'm sure that this time I will beat you on Battlefront!" Peter announced with a determined tone
Harry laughed "You beat me? Never!"
Peter smiled. It was true. He was just as terrible at video games as Harry was at doing math. But, before they could start picking on each other, the bus pulled into the Osborn labs parking lot and everyone started filling off.
"Attention, students!" barked Mr. Edwards the Science teacher "I presume that everyone here knows the rules no yelling, don't touch anything. yada, yada." Peter tuned Mr. Edwards out. He had heard this speech before so it didn't interest him. The person he was focusing on was Flash who had just joined the group and who already appeared to be bored, which was a bad thing because when Flash became bored he would definitely find someone to pick on and ten to one Peter would be the unlucky person.
    "Peter!" barked Mr. Edwards
  Peter swerved and faced the scowling face of the teacher "What sir?"
"Stop daydreaming and get over to the lady with the blue flag"
Peter realized that Mr. Ed had finished listing the rules and was now separating everyone into three groups for the three guides to lead into the vast complex of Osborn Labs.
"Yes Sir" he replied heading for the group.
"Hello Everyone" A lady dressed in a white outfit greeted the group Peter just joined with a huge smile.
"My Name is Mrs. Alliason and I will be your tour guide. Please do not become separated from the group and remember your groups color is blue" she said holding up the blue flag she was holding.
   Peter acknowledged Mrs. Alliason's instructions but he was slightly worried Harry and his other friends had been sorted into the other two teams but Flash was on team blue and was at the moment grinning evilly at Peter completely not listening to the guide. Peter quickly moved to the front of the crowd of students he was on his own in a crowd of forty five students, a couple of which were Flashes buddies and the others didn't care if he became lost or not. If Flash wanted to bully him here then it was very possible that nobody would really notice he would just have to make sure not to lose the tour leader and to never leave the sight of the security cameras that monitored the assembly of students.

Peter Park: Friendly Neighborhood Spider-ManМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя