Chapter 3

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   (This is my first book so please comment and let me know what you like, don't like and what you think I should do character, storyline, and villain wise. Thank you. Enjoy reading!)      
Back at Osborn Labs Dr. Octavius entered one of the side elevators and glanced at the buttons A1 to B11 (A1 being the lowest level-the basement) he tapped A1 and the elevator rapidly sunk downwards A8-A7-A6, once the elevator stopped at A1 Dr. Octavius stepped out of the elevator and into a bland concrete basement filled with various pieces of equipment and junk. He briskly walked over to a shelf filled with old notebooks and containers holding folders. He selected the middle black notebook and shoved it inwards immediately the bookshelf split in two unveiling another elevator. Dr. Octavius stepped into the second elevator and after pressing another button went even further into the ground which opened into a vast cave like structure that split into several guarded tunnels.   
"Identification Please" chirped a robotic voice as Dr. Octavius stepped off the elevator
"Doctor Otto Octavius" He voiced as a scanning beam swept over him.
"Welcome back Doctor Octavius do you want a cup of coffee?" the voice inquired.
"Yes the regular" He answered as he walked towards the center of the room where his prized invention a contraption of four robotic arms attached to a large ornate metal belt, its polished gleamed at him as snapped his fingers which activated the metal arms they slithered over to him, and snapped the metal belt around his waist. A small strip of metal clipped itself to the back of his neck linking into his brain.
  Dr. Octavius crossed the room and entered into the first corridor a large clear window on the right gave a view of a busy assembly line building some sort of mechanical devices. He entered another large room past several of his assistants who were busy calculating numbers, and into a side room where at the center of this room was a computer with several large screens he typed in a few words into a waiting hologram keyboard the screens lit up and the narrow pale face of Norman Osborn appeared on the screen.
  "Well?" asked Norman his black eyes narrowing as he scrutinized Octavius
   "Things didn't go as planned but it still was a success."
  "What do you mean it didn't work out as planned, didn't Dr. Park leave the lab?"
"He did leave and I turned off all security in his lab, but when I arrived two boys from that school tour were already there. I recognized one as Edger Thompson apparently about to harshly reprimand the other boy."
"I have heard that young Edger has a hobby of bulling, I would have preferred that he didn't do it in my building, didn't you send them away?"
"I told them to leave and they complied, but the other boy was bitten by what was presumably a Black Widow spider. Since there was no point of retreating I called the Medics and asked for the hurt boy name. Guess who he was?"
"If you are expecting me to guess, then I'll just have to disappoint you" Norman stated slightly annoyed
"It was Ben Park's nephew."
"Peter Park?"
"You know him?" Octavius asked bewildered
"Yes he is my son's best friend! He is a very bright boy. Indeed I have high hopes for him in the future that is if he doesn't end up like his father." Norman ended the sentence in a dark tone reminding Octavius of what had happened to the late Richard Park several years ago.
  "Is Peter alright?" Norman enquired
  "I believe so, black widow bites nowadays don't kill a normal human but the wound was swelling quicker than it should have so the boy is probably allergic. After Ben Park left to take his nephew to the hospital I continued along with the original plan and I completed the assignment."
"What were the results?" Norman asked pressing his slender fingers together
"There was nothing in his files which confirms that he must have anything that he might have collected on a separate drive. I scanned his research papers but he hasn't been doing anything major outside of the work that we assign him; I also placed the virus so we can now see whatever he sees on there. My only concern is if his nephew tells him about seeing me on the computer."
Norman didn't reply but instead drummed his fingers on the desk Octavius waited in silence.
"I'm still sure that Mr. Park has an idea of what happened all those years ago and it is possible that he has some idea of the secret projects. I highly doubt Peter will say anything he probably thinks you two work together on the same project, by the way how is project Vega doing?"
"Project Vega has almost been nearly finished we just have to do a few more tests to be sure that we can control the modified Ultra-links we wouldn't want to have them rewrite back to their previous programming."
"True, true, we wouldn't want that happening, continue with the good work Octavius I have another board meeting to attend to before I go see my weakling son."  
"Understood Sir"
The connection was terminated and Octavius turned his mind to other matters.

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