Chapter 8

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(Been busy with life but here's the next chap.)

       "Peter I would like to have a talk with you." Uncle Ben announced as soon as Aunt May and Peter entered the house.
"You won't be having any talks until he takes a shower" Aunt May replied pushing Peter in the direction of the stairs.
  "He doesn't need a shower yet May." Uncle Ben insisted.
  "Alright" Aunt May said slowly "but remember Ben, he is still recovering from that fever so don't overwork him."
  Uncle Ben agreed and headed in the direction of the garage, Peter followed.
"May told me that you are not wearing your glasses" Uncle Ben stated as they entered the garage
Peter shrugged "I don't need them anymore"
"Have you noticed anything else that's different since the spider bit you?"
'So it was the Spider' Peter remarked to himself before replying "I have noticed that I have a alarm system in my head and apparently I have developed a sever case of sticky fingers"
"You mean you can wall climb?"
"Yes how but how did you know? I didn't even tell you yet." Peter asked stunned
"I'll explain that to you later. Have you told anyone else about what has happened?"
"No Sir, why would I? I still can't believe it myself"
"Good, I was worried that something odd would happen at your school today and you would be right in the middle of it." Uncle Ben stated sounding relived
"Umm something odd did happen today."
"What do you mean?"
"I deflected one of Flash's tricks back at him by accident"                                                        
Uncle Ben chuckled. "Probably did the boy some good. Now there's somewhere I want to take you before dinner." He finished saying as he opened the garage door before picking up black bag off the floor and putting it into the trunk of the car as Peter threw his backpack into the vehicle.


"Is this permanent?" Peter asked a few minutes later as Uncle Ben maneuvered through the evening traffic heading across Queens-borough Bridge. Peter wondered if Uncle Ben was taking him to Oscorp since this was the regular route to the lab.
"From the looks of the blood sample I took from you when your fever broke it seems that this permanent."
"Just what exactly is happening to me? I mean, I won't grow eight eyes or a lot of hair and eat bugs, right?" Peter demanded.
"There is a high chance that you will." Uncle Ben stated quite seriously
Peter blanched, and stared at his Uncle with horror.
"Haha! You won't grow eight eyes or any of that, you should see your face right now it's like you swallowed a bug" Uncle Ben chuckled whipping away a tear of laugher.
Peter shot a unappreciated look at his Uncle before asking the next question that he had in mind.
"Did you find the spider?"
"I haven't found it in the lab or in any of the other labs it would help if we did find it because there's something a tad off from what it should be."
"Wait isn't the spider part of your experiment?" Peter asked
"Yes and no you see it's from your father."
"My Dad's experiment?"
"Yes its one of your Dad's spiders and what I've seen from your blood work, the spider that bite you was slightly radioactive which means it was the spider I radiated with a low dose of radioactive waves yesterday morning to see what would possibly happen."
Peter shook his head in disbelief "Wait a moment Uncle Ben, if I heard you correctly the spider that bite me is one of my dad's spiders? What was my Dad doing with spiders? Why would you keep them after my Dad died, and why would you make it radioactive?" 
Uncle Ben paused "Give me a few days before I start to answer your questions."
"Why not now?" Peter asked annoyed
"Because it's a long story, you know I'm not the best story teller and besides that, we have arrived"
Peter glanced out the window they had not pulled in front of the lab instead they had arrive at an condemned car parking building, why did Uncle Ben bring him here?
"Is this some secret lab or something?" Peter asked momentarily distracted from the lack of answers he was given.
"No, this is not a secret lab I'll take you there later. This will be the place where we will test what you can and cannot do. Here put this on." He ordered handing Peter what appeared to be a black ski mask with no mouth, a pair of yellow tinted goggles to cover his eyes and a pair of thin but sturdy feeling gloves.
"Why should I put this on?" Peter asked as he slipped the mask over his face it felt fuzzy and to his annoyance he couldn't breathe very easily with it on.
Uncle Ben who had also put on the same kind of thing stepped out of the car before answering. "You are wearing that in case someone wandering around here sees you."
"Oh so it's to keep my identity secret" Peter interrupted adjusting the mask to were he could breath slightly better.
Uncle Ben nodded "You'll also use a code name. I'll be The Doctor and you'll be Spider-Man!"
"Really there's Ant-Man, people keep insisting that he change his name to something cooler, besides I'm 15 how about Venom, or Arachnid?"
"It was your Dad's nickname." Uncle Ben said quietly
Peter sat in silence for a moment "Ok, ok I'll be Spider-Man"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2020 ⏰

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