Chapter 6

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(This is my first book so please comment and let me know what you like, don't like and what you think I should do character, storyline, and villain wise. Thank you. Enjoy reading!)

Beep, Beep, Beep! Peter opened his eyes and glared at the alarm clock its bright red numbers alerting him that it was 6:30 AM, with a swipe of his hand he shut if off. The first thing he noticed was that he was on the floor the second thing he noticed was the pungent odor of On Guard the essential oil Aunt May always used when someone was sick he deducted that since it was in his room and that he was on the floor then he must have been the patient to her and MJ's homemade remedies. To Peter's relief he found that the pain was gone in fact when he sat up he felt great and to his surprise he could see everything quite clearly, he quickly grabbed his glasses and raised them to his eyes his vision became blurred, he pulled them away and he could see clearly again. What was going on? He had been wearing glasses since second grade and now he didn't need them? He tested them several more times but it wasn't his imagination he could see everything as clear as day without the help of his glasses.
Standing up he placed his glasses back on the nightstand before noticing that he must've ripped his bed apart while he was asleep for the sheets were askew, his pillow was on the floor and he had somehow tied his blanket into a knot Peter quickly straightened up his bed before fishing his dark red sweater, blue jeans, grey jacket and black tennis shoes out from their assigned places before heading to the bathroom to take a quick shower, after he dressed he blow dried his messy dark brown hair and did his best to smooth it down without much success. Before he left he wiped the mist off the mirror and stared into it
"Unbelievable I really don't need them now" he exclaimed in amazement as his almost completely black eyes registered every detail of his face and the steamy bathroom, he left the room and threw his Pjs into his laundry basket before heading downstairs towards the kitchen to surprise Aunt May with what had occurred. The smell of warm waffles and rice wafted through the air as he walked into the kitchen.
"Are you feeling better today?" Aunt May asked as she spooned out the last of the rice onto the plates.
Peter immediately noticed the dark circles under her eyes and her brown hair tied up into a messier than usual bun apparently she didn't sleep very well last night probably because she had been watching over him.
"I'm better than great Aunt May I don't need my glasses"
Aunt May looked up at him in surprise noticing for the first time that he wasn't wearing them "Are you sure?"
"I'm more than sure I can see everything as clear as day. Where's Uncle Ben?" Peter asked looking around wanting to show him as well, MJ never woke up this early but Uncle Ben usually was awake and at the table by now.
Aunt May shook her head in disbelief at Peter's news "He came back home yesterday but he had to go back to the lab he came back but left again soon after your fever broke early this morning, he hasn't been back since"
Peter took a bite out of his Waffle "Can I go back to school today?" He asked remembering the email Harry sent him
"No Peter you are still recovering and besides I'm going to need to take you to the eye doctor to find out what happened with your eyes."
"But Aunt May, I'm feeling great and besides the doctor at school can check my eyes for free."
Aunt May hesitated for a moment, before reaching a decision "Alright, I'll drive you to the academy but promise me, you will check in with the school doctor and you will come straight home if you start to relapse, don't forget to use the medicine the doctor gave you, and pack your glasses in you bag just in case this is temporary"
"Cross my heart and hope to die." Peter promised with a smirk
"No Dying allowed!" Aunt May rebuked
After putting his dishes into the sink Peter headed back upstairs to fetch his school supplies he gathered up a few books that had dropped out of his backpack the night before, and he packed up his glasses before reaching over to unplug his phone.
While unplugging it he accidentally knocked off a glass of water that Aunt May had left by his bed during his fever. Peter instinctively lurched forward his focus on the glass a small line of water left the cup as he flung out his right hand and brushed his fingers against the rim, to his utmost surprise his fingers latched onto the glass rim he scooped up the escaping water droplets from the air before holding the glass by his fingertips to his face.
"Weird" Peter muttered to himself as he examined how the glass hung in the air, he couldn't feel anything sticky in fact all he could feel was smooth glass on his fingertips there was no law of science that could explain this phoneme so how was the glass sticking to his fingers? He put his other hand around the cup and instantly his fingers released their hold, he placed the cup back onto the nightstand. Completely forgetting about his phone he eagerly fished a rubix cube from his back pack and tossed it into the air he held out the palm of his hand and caught it he then turned his hand upside down keeping his fingers spread.
"This is completely impossible" Peter said in awe, the rubix cube like the glass clung to his skin of his hand and refused to fall he shook his hand but to no effect he then held his hand over his backpack and the rubix cube dropped inside, then next thing he decide to experiment with was one of his school notebooks he was about to throw it into the air when Aunt may called up stairs.
"Peter it's now or never"
"I'm coming" he replied stuffing his notebook back into his back pack before heading downstairs and out the front door where Aunt May was waiting with a taxi.
Twenty-five minutes later found the taxi slowing to a halt in front of the Academy to drop off Peter.
"Don't forget if you start feeling unwell then call me." She reminded.
"Yes Ma'am" Peter assured her again for the hundredth time
"You know what maybe you should stay home today."
"Aunt May I'm not a baby anymore"
"I know you aren't but your, such a delicate boy always running into thing's."
Peter sighed, Aunt May could be quite the mother hen at times and he was slightly frustrated that she, like the attendees of the Academy, viewed him as a weakling.
"Look! There's Harry! See you later, Aunt May!" Peter quickly voiced as he opened the door and escaped the rest of her repetitive lecture. Harry wasn't actually in sight, but Peter's other two friends Robert (DJ) Farewell and Debra Whitman were in view.
Like Peter they entered the Academy due to their brains, they became friends with Peter and Harry after several science lessons.
"Yo! Pete! Did Flash break your glasses again?" boomed the loud voice of DJ at first glance nobody would have guessed that DJ was a science geek. With the muscles of a boxer and a shaved clean head, which he usually covered with a variety of flashy caps (today's special was gold with unreadable black lettering splashed across it) he looked more like one of Flash's thugs or an Apprentice to a lone shark, rather than the science kid from Harlem where he lived with his parents and six siblings.
"Nope he didn't, I don't need my glasses." Peter answered with a grin.
"I heard you were bitten by a spider yesterday. are you all right?" Asked the soft quiet voice of Debra she was the quiet timid mouse of the quartet she had light brown hair, blue eyes, a dash of freckles across her nose, and a very soft voice which she seemed to have inherited from her mother who was a single mom working for an library downtown.
Peter considered her question for a moment, remembering how different objects stuck to his hand and his new and improved 10/10 vision. "I had a fever but I think I'm fine now." He answered decisively.
"So that's why you didn't respond to my email yesterday, and what do you mean you don't need your glasses, are you wearing contacts?" Harry voiced, as he joined them.
Peter grimaced, he hated contacts."Yep, I was completely out of it and no I'm not wearing contacts, I'm not sure why but when I woke up this morning I found that could see as clear as day."
"How did that happen?" DJ asked
"I think it was the spider bite from yesterday"
"The spider that stopped Flash from beating you up?"
"No, that's not the reason but he is the reason I was bitten..." Peter was interrupted by the bell announcing that school was about to begin.
"I'll tell you about it at lunch" he hollered behind his shoulder as he headed to his first class for the day.

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