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"Finally,I have caught you alone."Hunter said smiling at me.

"what do you mean by that? It's not like I have been avoiding you or something."I said faking a laugh.

"I know you are avoiding me."He said with a serious tone.

"And why will I want to avoid you?"I asked mirroring his expression.

"I guess it's because you don't want to give me your house address."He said with a shrug.

"Fine, to be sincere I have been avoiding you and it's because I don't want to give you my house address and please don't ask me why."I replied.

"Just give me your house address besides it's not like I want to rob you or something, I just want to come over to pick you up for the party." He replied with a frown.

"Okay,I give up but that's the only reason I'm giving you my address and I don't want you sharing it with any other person. please don't come to my house apart from the day of the party." I said and gave him my address not sure if I was doing the right thing by giving him that.

"Thanks a lot dear and trust me, I won't share it with anyone."He said as he winked.

"Hmmm."I replied with a nod because I don't actually know what to say to him.

After school,I went home and I haven't told Sam about Stephanie and Liam but I'm sure it will break his heart and it won't be nice at all.

   This week has almost come to an end.
It was kind of slow but today is Friday and I didn't forget I have a party to attend.

I finally told Sam about Liam and Stephanie and his expression was not pleasant at all because his always happy face turned to a very sad one and he didn't say anything meaningful throughout that day.

I actually felt guilty because I can't stop thinking that Liam took Something Sam wanted and I know it isn't true because I believe that Liam wouldn't have dated Stephanie if he was aware of Sam's crush.

Well,he is my best friend and I feel he deserves all the love and happiness on Earth but there is nothing I can do about it.

Besides,I don't think Stephanie was aware of his feelings since he didn't tell her.
Liam doesn't know about the crush either so I can't blame anyone.

Anyway,that issue is over for now.

I reminded Sam of the party but he just replied with a simple "Okay,just be careful." he didn't even give me the usual long lesson or should I say preaching that he normally gives me whenever I want to make a decision about something and that was when I knew that the information I gave him kinda broke him but he will heal.

It's  just a crush so it won't take long before he forget about her.
I hope.

Before school was over, Hunter met with me and told me that the party is by 8:30pm so he is coming to pick me at 7:30.

"Okay,no problem."was what I said and I left.

"Veronica,"I heard someone call my name so I turned to see who it was.

Oh God this is what I'm avoiding.
It's not as if I don't like Steph but I'm not ready to create any close relationship with anybody right now and obviously not even her.

"Hi,"I told her as I stopped walking.
"Hi,"she replied with a smile as she got closer to where I was standing. I wonder why my brother is even dating her.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a bitch but you are free to think I am.
I just really don't like this girl and it's not because of Sam or anything but I just don't think we will be able to flow with each other.

VERONICA :Gift Davidson.Where stories live. Discover now