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As we got home, Liam went to his room but I went to my mums room because I noticed she didn't go to work today.

Something is definitely wrong because it's rare for mum to stay back home and not go to work.

"Or is she sick?" I asked myself as I headed to her room.

As I got to her door I knocked because trust me when I say she really respects privacy and I don't want to go inside and find her crying.

It will break me.

I wonder why that thought even crossed my mind.

Fear and insecurity gripped me.

I know Liam might act like he doesn't know something is wrong but sometimes I can see it on his face when he looks at mum like he wants to ask her what's wrong.

I really don't want to go through any divorce sh*t that some children have no choice but to go through.

We used to be a happy family,what went wrong?

I knocked again and I heard my mum walking to the door before she opened it.

"Hi mum, can I come in?" I asked.

"Ofcourse" She replied with a warm smile as she moved away from the door to let me in.

"Everything okay?" I asked her as I sat down on the bed which she later came to Join me.

"Yeah." she replied as she looked anywhere but my face.

"Mum you need to stop doing this to yourself,just tell us what is going on,we are your children and we really deserve to know." I said fighting the tears that was about to drop from my eyes.

"I'm tired of being in the dark side of this house,we are grown ups for crying out loud."

"Honey,I know what I'm doing .okay? just go to your room and freshen up.
you haven't even gone to your room since you came back.

I can handle this ,you just have to trust me." She said as she pulled me in a tight hug.

"Okay,I trust you." I said as I stood up and went to my room to drown in my own thoughts.


After some minutes of thinking,I decided to call Jennifer to ask her when she plan on coming over and it happened to be very soon so I decided to take a shower,eat a little food even though I didn't have any appetite for food.

I later went downstairs to the living room with my phone and dialed Sams number.


  I heard a noise that stinged my ear and it just had to be my alarm clock.

I quickly turned it off then stood up from my bed.
My curtains were actually opened and I wondered why I didn't close it.

Yesterday,I and Hunter had an argument concerning Veronica and it really pissed me off.

He doesn't even like the girl so why is he doing all these?

Believe me,I'm no saint but I don't force myself on girls and I don't chase after girls that don't want me.

Not like I have met any girl that doesn't want me.

As I got up,I slowly went to the bathroom because I was really drained of energy.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth.

"Bryan, Bryan!" I heard my name and I knew it was Anne my baby sister.

"Come play Mickey mouse with me." she said as she badged inside my room.

VERONICA :Gift Davidson.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن