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I saw Hunter in class and I was really avoiding him because I know I won't be able to control my anger if he tries to talk to me.

I'm very sure I will insult him and tell him about what I remembered.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not scared of him but I just don't want to bring up the matter because it will make me feel very uncomfortable and used.

As I saw Bryan leaving the class for lunch break,I followed him.

"Bryan, please excuse me ,can I speak to you?" I asked him feeling suddenly shy.

"Sure." he said with a killer grin.

"Will you like to talk here or should we go somewhere else?" he asked me.

"A more private area please." I replied not oblivious of the looks I was receiving from people.

"I think I know a place we can go to." he replied as he motioned for me to follow him.

I followed him and we both ended up in a place I never knew exists inside the school.

"Wow,I never knew we had a secret room in the creative art lab." I said with surprise.

"More like a basement." he replied with a grin.

"So, before I ask you how you found this place,I need to say what I wanted to tell you." I said with a frown.

This is obviously one of his hideout with girls.

"So, I'm all ears." he replied.

"Why didn't you tell me?
Okay,I know we are not close and he is your cousin but I can't help but feel that I deserve to know." I said with a pained expression.

"What are you talking about?" he asked confused.

"I'm taking about what happened at the party.
first of all, thanks for coming to my rescue that day." I said feeling embarrassed.
He looked dumbfounded by what I just said.

"You remember?" he asked.

"Yeah,but I didn't remember immediately.
My memory of that day was kind of messed up." I said.

"I'm really sorry I didn't tell you but it wasn't because we aren't close or the fact that Hunter is my cousin.
It's just that,I know how hurt and insecured you will feel if you find out that someone you were trying to trust wanted to force himself on you." he said and I noticed he was already closer.

"I didn't want you to be uncomfortable."

"That's true.bu...bu..but,I was really scared when I remembered.
what if you didn't come in that day, what would ha...hav.. have happened?" I stammered and all the emotions I have been trying to keep in since I found out what happened just fell out and I didn't even notice when the tears forming in my eyes began to drop.

"It's okay,it didn't happen." Bryan said with a soft voice as he came close to me and embraced me in a comforting hug and that was when I lost all the control and the tears started pouring down as I hugged him back.

Trust me, it's not everyday you find out that a guy tried to force himself on you and I know that this tears was not only because of that.
It was also because of the divorce and even though I tried to push the thought away from me since I woke up,it still came back to me and choose this as the perfect time to get an emotion out of me.

"I'm so sorry,I must have ruined your shirt." I said as I tried to release myself from the hug.

"That's actually the last thing I'm thinking about right now." he replied as he continued patting my back softly.

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