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Yesterday I and Bryan had an argument because of Veronica.
Why is he even interested in her? honestly,I haven't seen Bryan act this way because of any girl.

Anyway, I'm not giving her up.

That girl is fire and I want to have a taste.
Or should I just ask her out? When I get tired of her I will just dump her as usual,She will move on.

I brought out my phone and dialed her number.

"Hey,"she said as she answered on the first ring.

"Hi,are you at home?" I asked her.

"Yeah,What's up?" she asked.

"I want to come over." I replied.

"Well I'm kind of busy right now and I have a guest so maybe another time." she said.

"Okay,another time it is then." I replied disappointed.

"Hope there is nothing wrong?" she asked.

"There is nothing wrong,I just miss you and I wanted to see you." I replied.

"Okay,bye then." she replied before I ended the call.

She didn't even say she miss me too.

well,this is just the beginning because very soon she will start begging for my attention.
They all do.


Hunter just called and he said he misses me.
Does he have feelings for me?

well,I hope not because I'm not ready for any relationship stuff right now and come to think of it,I don't really trust that guy.

As I stood up,I went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to bring out my favorite orange juice but as I started pouring it, I remembered something.


"We will go upstairs for a while." he said as I followed him upstairs even though I didn't want to.
It was as if something was forcing me to move against my will.

As we got upstairs,he started unzipping my shorts and I tried to move but he won't let me.

"stay put!"he warned and I was too weak to push him off me.

He succeeded in removing all my clothes until I was left only in my panties.

He was hovering above me and I tried to call out for help but I couldn't even hear my own voice.

I started becoming weaker but before I could fully drown into the sleep, I heard that voice that I can never forget.


He rushed into the room and pushed Hunter off me.

******PRESENT TIME********

"What the hell?" I asked myself as I remembered what happened that night.

I can't believe he tried to force himself on me.

A cold chill ran down my spine.

So he has been lying to me all these while.

I can't be more greatful to Bryan for coming to my rescue that day.

"What would have happened if he hadn't come?"I asked myself as a sick feeling rested on my stomach.

I really need to stay away from HUNTER BUSH, that guy is bad news.

I need to call Sam and tell him what I just remembered.

VERONICA :Gift Davidson.Where stories live. Discover now