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The person came inside but I couldn't see his face clearly because my face was covered with the bedsheet.

"Hello, I think you should come and pick her now. I don't know how you will do it but just come."I moved the bedsheet down a little but I could only see the persons back and I guess he was on a phone call.

He actually looks like a young guy and at least if he wants to attack me I can try something.

The voice sounds very familiar but I can't tell who it belongs to.

As he turned to face me,I quickly closed my eyes.

He came to the bed and sat down beside me, touched my cheeks then  stood up and left the room and I was dying to see his face but I wasn't ready.

After he closed the door, I didn't waste anytime because I really need to get out of this place.

I started searching for my clothes and fortunately I found it folded by the dresser in the room.

I saw a picture on the dresser but it was a picture of a woman and a young guy.

Both of them were blonde but the guy has sea blue eyes while the woman had soft chocolate brown eyes.

They were both smilling in the picture and they look really happy.
well,I wonder who they are.

I quickly wore my clothes then I searched for my phone and wallet but I couldn't find them so I sat down on the bed feeling restless because I don't even know whose house I was in and I don't even know if I'm safe or not.

After some minutes, I started hearing voices and it was as if two people were arguing downstairs but I couldn't hear what they were saying.

Later, the argument stopped and someone started coming upstairs to where I was.
I was nervous but thank God because at least I would be able to see the person that brought me here.

As the door opened, Hunter came inside and he was not looking very happy he looked furious and annoyed.

"Hey, Veronica you are awake."he said rubbing the back of his head.

"yeah,and I really need an explanation because I don't even Know what I'm doing here."I said folding my hands on my chest.

"Oh,so you can't remember how you got here?"he asked me.

"Yeah,I can't remember.
I can only remember that I followed you to a party."I said using my fingers to comb my hair so that it wouldn't look as rough as it was before then I remembered that I packed my hair when I was going to the party.

"So you have forgotten how you were drinking to the extent that you became so drunk and you could hardly walk."he said and I couldn't believe it because that was very unlike me.

"well, that's unlike me so you shouldn't blame me for asking questions."I voiced out.

"I was also shocked because I didn't know you could drink like that."he said grining.

"Me too."I replied with a frown trying to remember what happened.

"Anyway, don't stress yourself too much by thinking about it,let me take you home."he said as he started leaving the room.

"wait."I said as he wanted to open the door.

"w...we didn't do anything right?"I asked praying that we didn't.

"No,we didn't."he replied.

"Oh,thank God!"I said with a sign of relief.

"what did you say?"he asked turning back to look at me.

VERONICA :Gift Davidson.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz