I'm clumsy Katy

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The inevitable end. Right there in front of me. Have you ever come face to face with a gun, looked down the barrel thinking that it's over and there is nothing you can do to prevent it? Let me tell you it is a horrible feeling and nothing in this world can prepare you for that moment in your life when it's all or nothing. The good old question: "to be or not to be?". Sometimes you get the chance to decide for yourself when it is over but sometimes someone else comes taking that choice away from you. Whenever that happens all you feel is helpless simply because you've got no say in whatever comes next. They say when faced with death your life flashes before your eyes one last time. That, my friend, is absolute rubbish. There is no time left in these kind of situations. You've got enough on your mind as it is already so what would you do with another worry?

Right, I think you get what I mean and where this is heading. However, I have to disappoint you. This won't be one of those tragic tales of someone just hurling out their melodramatic life story where every character pities them and tries to help. Oh no not today and not here. I couldn't care less about all that. This will be a funny story about failure and a screw-up you've never heard of before. So now wipe that stupid frown of your face and start smiling again. This is going to be fun trust me. After all I'm the master of wtf and believe me when I say this is exactly what it sounds like. You might even call it an epic fail.

First of all, you should probably know that I'm a hitman. That means I get paid to kill people. I don't know the people I take out of this world and to be honest that's rather good. Knowing means caring and honestly I couldn't be arsed to care. In other words: give me the name of the target and tell me where I can find them and I will take them out for you. However, that will not happen the way you might think. You probably thought I'll take a sniper rifle, get on a roof and kill the target with a marvellous headshot while they're having dinner in some fancy restaurant. Well that's how I plan it but not necessarily how it will happen. To be exact it definitely will not happen that way.

You might started to wonder what I could possibly mean by that but don't worry. You'll find out soon enough what mean by epic fail.

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