Chpt. 1

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Emerson Blake High School was currently a chaotic mess of excitement for summer break. Students were everywhere saying goodbye to their friends and boyfriends whom they are to see next summer, probably preparing to have a very long vacation somewhere the sun don't fall

While me, Jeanie Francis, the friendless weird kid with a ponytail and glasses was trying to get through the mass bodies blocking the only way out. I was using my tiny body to squeeze throught people and get to the open exit so I can start my summer by safety cycling home. But gravity loves me so much that it can't go a day  without me crashing into it, so I wasn't suprised when I crash landed on the floor after so blindly bumping into a heap of muscles

"Ouch" I sofly muttered as my poor butt cheeks ached. This is the norm, I happen to bump into things or people quite often and everytime I do, my butt cheeks and my forehead are normally the ones to be on the other end of the receiving line of pain. "You alright there" a deep musculine voice muttered and then a face came into view as the person crunched down right into my line of vision

Hunter Grey, the jock with the kind heart

You know in every high school there is this one boy that is so popular that every bit of human loves being in his presence or just be him in general. The football jock that every female adores and would love to call their boyfriend, and every male would like to be called his friend. Well Hunter Grey is that guy for Emerson Blake High School and unlike the many egotistical popular guys that many high school's have, Hunter is the friendliest most kind hearted jock to ever exist

He doesn't even have the cliche cheerleader girlfriend that most football jocks have, in fact he only had one girlfriend and just like him, she was the sweetest human you'll ever meet. Janice Scar, the school president and head of the events club and very cheery too. Last I heard, she moved to California after her mother died of cancer and the distance took a strain on their relationship and they decided to just remain friends

"You seem a bit out of it, are you sure you alright?" He repeated after I have been lost in my head for a while and just staring at him, which seemed like I was gawking at him with drool dripping down my chin, but that wasn't the caae I swear

I know it seems kinda cliche and a little pathetic, but just like every nerd in every high school. I had a crush on him and I felt my cheeks hit up as he stood up and held out his hand to help me up. "Let me help you up" I lifted my hand and slowly placed it on top of his and he help me up. "Do you need to go to the nurse? Any headaches? Dizziness? Nostalgia maybe?" He asked a series of questions and as I blushed at his concern

I simply shook my head saying. "No I'm fine really, just a little numb pain on my butt cheeks is all. I'm good I promise, no major damage done" I ackwardly laughed it off as I dusted my butt off the dirt that I'm sure wasnt even there. I just had to keep my hands occupied with something before I did something as stupid as brushing back his fallen curls over his face

"Alright then if only you're sure uh..."

"Jeanie, Jeanie Francis"

I wasn't even suprised that he didn't know I existed, most people in this school dont, except for my hyperactive best friend Ashley Hart

"Alright Jeanie Francis, be careful next time alright. You might not be as lucky"

"Ok sure, thank you again"

"No problem, see you next summer Jeanie, and enjoy this one"

He smiled as he backed away and I me being me, stupidly waved slowly with a creepy smile or was it a blush on my face? Not really sure, all I know is I probably looked idiotic

"Sure will, enjoy yours too"

"Will do"

He turned around and disappeared amongst the many bodies that don't seem to be moving towards the exit. I adjusted the straps on my back pack that seemed to stay on my back after the fall and creepily smiled to myself. What a way to start my summer break, an awkward encounter with Hunter Grey can make anyone's summer great

With that I shuffled through the bystanders and made it through the exit and into the sunny parking lot. I swifly moved to the bicycle stand to unlock my pink bicycle so I can ride home, but Ash already beat to it and she was leaning against the railings with her fingers furiously tapping her thighs impatiently. Upon seeing me approach she simply leaned off the railing and glared at me

"You took your sweet time" was her comment and I simply shrugged uncaring. Getting on my bike and starting my cycle home with Ash and my mind on my encounter with Hunter Grey

I mean its not everyday your crush acknowledges your presence...especially when you have three months worth of no school

Like I said, what a way to start of my summer break

Like I said, what a way to start of my summer break

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