Chpt. 12

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The moment I re-entered through the kitchen back door after my impromtu escape to go smoke and relax outside with the afternoon chill. I could hear loud singing that sounded like dying hyenas on a desert. It was excruatingly loud that it was suffocating my ears making them bleed, I was sure there were no customers left simply because no customer will ever voluntarily endure such a insidious singing

I made it to the front and stood  leaning against the kitchen entrance looking at the two baffoons dancing around to some 80s song looking ridiculously happy. I was smiling just watching Jeanie and Gothy act like idiots, when a face I wasn't expecting blocked my view. “We need to talk pal” The boss man said folding his arms and quirking an eyebrow at me. “Its your first day and I'm already considering firing you”

I smirked. “Then fire me” I said suggestively folding my arms too. It would be effortless on my part if he did fire me, I would simply blame it on my incapable hands to wait tables. I wasn't gonna stick to the job anyway, it was so Nancy doesn't blow a fuse and actually send me back to the orphanage and since I'm not eighteen yet, it would mean I will actually have to stay there for  two whole months until I'm legally an adult. “I don't know if you notice kid, but its not exactly a choice. I made a promise to Nancy that I won't fire you under any circustances”

“I don't see how that is my problem" I quirked an eyebrow at him as narrowed his eyes at me in warning. He poked at my chest with his pointy finger “Just do your job and stop causing problems” I didn't respond and just continued smirking his way just to rile him up, but he simply clicked his tounge and turned to the two oblivious dancing bafoons over at the Juxe Box. “This fucking music, I swear!” He marched to the blasting music and forcefully switched it off glarimg at his two employees. “I don't pay you to dance around like idiots, finish cleaning these tables so you can get the hell out of my cafe” With that he marched to his office, slamming his door to indicate he was clearly pissed off

I clapped as they swirled around statled, one glared and the other just stared. “Now that was entertainment” Gothy simply rolled her eyes and went to finish her job and wipe tables and Jean just shook her head at me following gothy. I leant off the kitchen entrance and decided to call it a night, it wasn't even that dark outside. I went to grab my jacket which for some reason was stuffed under the counter on the open cupboard. I put it on and sneaked my hand through the glass display stealing one blue berry cupcake for the road, but as I was going to stuff it into my mouth a fluffy black head was in my face with her eyebrows raised. “What?”

“You didn't pay for that” She stated matter of fact like I give two shits that I didn't pay for it. Heck, I didn't pay for any of the cupcakes I ate today and she decides to raise this issue now. “Yeah and?”

She folded her arms. “Its either you pay for it or you put it back” she pointed to glass display where the cupcakes and other delicious treats were. I laughed. “And what are you gonna do if I don't do either? Tell on me?”

“That's exactly what I plan to do” Her face became hard as if she was trying to intimidate me, but she lost it as soon as I neared her coming to stand close her. “Then you have my blessing buttercup” With that I took a bite of the cupcake, pushing past her and I was out the door in seconds. I fished for my phone to call my bros and ask them what kind of mischief they want to get up to tonight. The night has just begun anyway

I dialed Sebastian and waited as it rung, he picked up on the third ring. “I'm suprised you're still alive” he didn't even greet me, not that I wasn't expecting it. “Where are you?” he laughed knowing exactly why I asked. I needed to blow some steam off and he knew it by the tone of my voice

“I'll meet you at our spot in fifteen”

“And bring the stuff with you”

“Always” I hung up and stuffed my phone back to my pocket, taking out the last cigaret I have and lighting it. I crossed the street walking to the place I knew would calm me down and de-stress me after the long day I had. I knew that Nancy was gonna lose her mables when she hears I disappeared again, and I didn't care. I'll deal with whatever shit she throws my way, but for now I was gonna get shit faced and deal with the consequences later

 I'll deal with whatever shit she throws my way, but for now I was gonna get shit faced and deal with the consequences later

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2020 ⏰

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