Chpt. 10

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Forty minutes. I've been here forty full minutes  and the annoyance was weighing heavy on my nerves. At this stage I was close to clogging someone's jaw and regret nothing, I was constantly groaning and clenching and unclenching my fists. I was close to being very enraged which was why I hated the idea of being here in the first place, but Nadia just had to play the foster mother of the year and get me here

The woman in question couldn't be more merrier with her mood at seeing me suffer like this. I was hot, I was tired, I was annoyed and at this stage I was ready to call it quits and just leave and deal with the consequences later. But not all was annoying, my next door neighbour sure was a very entertaining destraction. For the first fifteen minutes of her 'showing me around' consisted of her just randomly pointing at things and telling me the 'three rules of customer service'

1. Always have a smile on your face when serving customers

2. Always recommend specials of favourites to customers


3.  Never flirt with customers, not matter how cute or hot they are

She said the last rule with a cute blush that painted her pale cheeks and I smirked. It was severly interesting watching her say this rules that I, personaly think she made up, especially rule no.3. And she spent ten minutes explaining how the register works, to which I told her I didn't need to learn simply because that almost bald man said I was just a waiter for now as they didn't have enough of those. As much as I hated this job, and God knows I hate it, I was at least grateful I had someone to talk to

“Loverboy! Table two needs your attention” Goth girl said motioning to the table that was situated at the very corner of the cafe near the display window, a few feet away from the door. Another thing that I hated about this job was the Lydia girl who was slowly climbing my list of people to murder. From the very first introduction when she declared I stay away from her and her muffins and called me loverboy, to this significant moment. I hated her and I don't think me and her are ever gonna get along, and I knew she was gonna make my job here a whole lot more difficult than I originally thought

“You got hands and feet Gothy, see to it”

Table two has been the only table that constantly needed my attention, mainly because the woman who lives to cause me distress was currently occupying that table. Nadia thought it would be a brilliaint idea to stay and annoy me my entire stay here. She called it 'Supporting her young working man' and she said that with amusement lacing her voice accompanied with a smile. I hated that she was finding amusement in my suffering, she apparently had to 'straighten my behaviour' and this was the best way to keep my trouble self out of the streets and this way I won't be tempted to go vandalise private property. Stupid idea if you ask me because I can simply continue my rebelious streak without her knowing, I just had to stay underwraps and not get caught

“Arden please attend table two, they've been calling you for the past minute” I looked at Jeanie who had a pleading look on her face standing behind the front desk manning the register and motioning to table two. I glanced at the annoying old woman who had her hand up and motioning for me to come to her and I rolled my eyes refusing to get up and entertain her silly antics

“I'm on my break” I mentioned pointing to my blue berry cupcake and Iced tea coffee that I crooked Jean into buying for me. Well the tea anyway, the cup cake I just grabbed from the display table out of annoyance after my fifth customer who told me I had 'Uncustomary services and rude manners' like he's one to talk demanding like he owned the place and he gets to do whatever suited his rich ass. I told him to go fuck himself and then I got slapped upside the head by Jeanie who continued to apologise on my behalf and offered the brute free coffee

I hated his kind, rich pricks


If someone called my name one more time, I won't be responsible for my actions, I swear on whatever living God up there. I ignored whomever called me and just continued eating my muffin in solidified peace. But it seemed the world was truly against me today because as soon as I had the muffin in my mouth about to take a large bite of it, the bald man was on my ass again

“I pay you to serve customers and not become one, now I suggest you put that muffin down and go do what you're here for. Or do you wish to get fired less than an hour of being hired?”

I so wanted to scream yes please do then continue to do a dramatic exit, but the evil witch was watching me like a hawk and she was the reason I was here in the first place. Can you ship foster mothers into siberia using forex? Cause I wish I could

“Fine” I placed my muffin down and got to work attending the only woman in my life right now. She was amused beyond belief and she had that smile that I so wanted to wipe off her face, with a chainsaw preferably

She laughed at my annoyed expression once I was at her table. “You enjoying this are'nt you?”

“More than you know”


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And I attached a photo of the Cafe >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

And I attached a photo of the Cafe >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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