Chpt. 8

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The sun was ten times much worse than when I was rudely awaken this morning, the car ride was even worse seeming as it was stuffy in here and the woman drives like a paralysed tortoise so the wind was kept to a minimum, even with all four windows open

"You could have your air conditioner fixed you know, or simply buy a better car with a working cooler" I comment side glancing at the woman who's driving skills equal my dead grandmother's kneating. She scoffed doing that unimpressive sound she likes to make when she's displeased with something

"I don't have money to waste boy, a car has windows for a reason and if you didn't dress like its winter, then you would'nt be boiling right now" I rolled my eyes at the mention of my wardrobe, just because I prefer wearing hoodies don't mean I'm crazy. People of my generation with a personality like my own, dress in only jeans and hoodies and nothing else. T.shirts will just make me look like an asshole, I'll look like a pretentious prick in shirts, so vests and hoodies it is

"Its the 21st century, I'm allowed to dress however I want and its besides the point anyway"

"What is the point then smartass?" She was looking at me with an ageing raised eyebrow as we waited for the stop light to turn green to go. I looked at her dress code for today wanting to point out the winter boots she had on that don't go well with the long flowery summer dress she was wearing and the signature scarf she had wrapped around her wrinkly neck. It confuses me to this day as to why she dressed like she was still a twenty year old  spring chicken

"The fact that you wearing boots on a sixty six degree weather and a scarf says you have no right whatsoever to comment on my hoodie" She looked down at her boots and then looked back up at me with a nod of understanding, or at least it looked like a nod of understanding on my part

"Point taken, but it still doesn't answer my question. What is your point?" The loud horn that sounded fron behind indicated that we arguing over heat strokes and comparing attires when we should've been paying attention to the stop sign. She pressed on the accelerator and moved passed it now going on a steady pace instead of the tortoise race she was doing

"My point is, your car is crap and you need a new one that has a better sound system and a working cooler that can actually cool us down before we have a heat stroke"

"Your heat stroke will not be caused by the lack of a cooler, but the very hot iron of a fist that's gonna come your way if you call my car crap ever again" She threatened and I laughed knowing I've heard that threat way too many times without it taking its effect. Nadia Winter was like a bunny tryna scare a lion into its cave, cute. And she knew that I knew that she knew, you know


We pulled over to our much dreaded destination, the Crazy Bean Cafe and once the engine stopped I knew she wasn't turning back around and saying she was kidding. "I don't think this is such a good idea Nadia" I tried to rationalise but even I knew she will call bullshit and drag me there kicking and screaming. Once Nadia Winter has her mind dead set on something, nothing and no one will stand in her way and she believed getting me this job will 'straighten' my behaviour

Like that's gonna happen

"Suck it troublemaker, there's no backing out now" I wanted to argue and tell her backing out is pretty easy, all she had to do was start the car again and simply back out of the driveway. But even I know that will fall over old deaf ears that refuse to listen, I don't know if that made sense but if it didn't, pretend it did

"Now get out of my crappy car and lets go get you employed"

I guess we were really doing this then. I opened the door and got out shutting it after and tucking my hands inside the side pockets of my hoodie and watching her get out and lock the crappy Mazda and walk towards the cafe. I begruntly walked behind her swifly looking for an escape route, but this shitty place had no alleys to disappear into, it was a one way street with far away corners

She pushed the door open making the bell above the door ring loudly indicating our arrival, much to my chagrin. I entered after her and let the door swing close and glanced around seeing a full house. I have never once seen this coffee house empty, its either super busy or has a couple of people hogging the free WiFi and the coffee it came with

"You wait here and I'll go find Tito, If I come back and you have moved from this spot, you'll wish you never met me"

"Sure" I reassured even if I wasn't planning on staying very long. The moment she disappears, I'm doing the same and dealing with consequences later. She narrowed her eyes at me like she does when  she suspects me of something. Shaking her head, she decided she would rather chain me to her hip, not quite literary of couse

"On second thoughts, you'll come with. I don't trust you to stick to your word" With that she took hold of my arm and dragged me through the busy bodies cutting the long line of people awaiting to order their much beloved coffee, to the front register where a goth looking girl with too many face peircings and black lipstick stood taking those orders. She looked up at us and was about to say her greetings without a smile, but the scrawny looking guy infront of the long line beat her to it

"Excuse me ma'am, you can't just cut the line, you have to start it from the back like the rest of us did" Nadia glanced at the nerdy looking weirdo and smiled the fakest smile I ever saw her carry. "Sorry but I'm just looking for the manager, I'm not here to order" She said smoothly still fake smiling at the guy who was now frowning

"I don't care, if i had to wait in line for ten minutes, so should you" She was about to reply but a boisterous voice cut her off

"Is there a problem here?" The guy looking to be just a few years younger than Nadia herself was standing at the register beside goth girl and was staring between Nadia and the scrawny nerd without the glasses. Nadia swifly looked at the guy who I'm assuming is the manager and her genuine smile was back on her face replacing the fake one

"Oh Tito! Just the man I was looking for!" She exclaimed in absolute joy almost making my ears bleed with how loud she said that. I just wanted to yank my hand free and bolt already

"Nadia! My goodness, what brings you here stranger?"

Here we go!!!

This was by far the longest chapter I have ever written and yes I wrote it, me not my sister or any other pest family member, me.

So feel free to comment your thoughts on it and tell me what you think

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