Chpt. 7

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Was it wrong to wish for time to speed so I can go home and rest my restless body and sleep till kingdom comes? My feet were speaking french now telling me to rest them on a hot bath with soothing salts. My body ached, my feet ached, everything ached and I still had a full three hours to my shift. I smiled thanking the customer for buying coffee and using the line that's practically imbedded in my mind

"Thank you sir, enjoy your Crazy coffee" I had to say that with a wink and a full blown smile

"I sure will" He smiled back at me and left the cage waving at the little girl playing with her dolls on the floor while her mother was furiously typing on her laptop and constantly sipping her tea. I sighed opening the register and placing the two dollars in and closing it. I love my job, but I didn't love my job on a saturday morning just after rush hour. It just gets so busy that I lose my ability to fully function sometimes and I hate rush hour, don't get me wrong I love the tips just not the standing and smiling for hours

A tap on my shoulder by the awfully cheerful girl had me sighing in absolute relief to be off my feet for a few minutes for my coffee break. "You can go sit down before you pass out, we don't want you dying before enjoying your retirement"

I faked laughed at the not so funny girl. Lydia Tiles, the annoying waitress/barista who got me my job by slacking at her own. "Haha your so funny, and if anyone is dying before retirement is that piece of crap you call a cellphone" I moved aside so she can slide to the register and I can happily go enjoy sitting my aching feet down and drinking my caramel mocha in absolute peace

"Say's the girl who still uses payphones. I mean seriously, how old are you again?" She retorted and I laughed leaving through the back and straight to the kitchen to the heavenly smell of freshly baked goods. Simon our head pastry chef was tossing dough in the air and catching it with his fists and repeating the action. I walked pass Dina, Simon's talented cake decorator and wife who was being assisted by two of her most trusted assistants. Avery and Coraline

I greeted them as I passed them goung straight for Simon. "Hey Si, you know what time it is?" I asked leaning my arms on the table which he had the dough he was spinning on the air now laying flat on the table, I even bumped his hip which he didn't even budge. That's how large and strongly built he was, and at seven foot with a body built for the WWE Wrestling team and a shaved head, you wouldn't think he was the friendliest human alive. I thought he was scary the first time I met him until he offered me a blue berry cupcake and a caramel mocha on my first day saying he saw how 'nervous' I was, to which wasn't the case. I just wasn't sure on what to do since I was just improvising that day and pretending I knew what I was doing

And till this day he never stopped giving me blue berry cupcakes and his famous caramel mocha which came with its own coffee machine which he kept in the kitchen for easier access. And now it was our routine every coffee break I had or whenever he felt like it. "Its Mocha time already? Damn, guess time slows down when you not having fun huh" he tries to be funny sometimes, but his jokes never make any sense and I laugh just so I can pretend they are so I don't break his big boy heart

"Yup!" I say popping the 'p' and grinning widely at him. "So can you get on with it already, I have like ten minutes to enjoy it"

"You must know how the coffee machine works by now Jean"

"I'm a working disaster big guy, you and the rest of universe knows it. So unless you want your precious coffee machine broken by me practically tripping on air, I suggest you get on it big guy" I pat his back and he laughs at my explaination on how i'm basically clutz and don't trust my aching feet. He stopped flatlining the dough and sets aside the rolling pin taking the dish towel that was on his shoulder and wipes his flour covered hands. I take that opportunity to hop into the table and let my aching feet dangle freely

"Why can't you be like normal teenage girls who know how not to trip on air?"

"That's like asking for rain in a desert, never gonna happen" Comments the lovely Dina who laughs at her own joke

"Like planting a grape tree and expecting oranges, logically impossible" laughs Coraline

"Like shoving a midget into a mouse hole and expecting them to fit, senseless" adds Avery and they were all having a laughing fit at my expense. This was the norm, I was the unfortunate butt to be at the receiving end of their short lived comedic stand up daily shows. If it wasn't my height, it was my natural talent to trip on air or my instinct to explode everything electrical, it was somethinv everyday and I was used to it by now

They were family and its how family show their love I guess

"If this was my cafe I would've long fired you all" The laugher just continued and I ended up laughing along with them, even if I didn't know what I was laughing at anymore. The smell of freshly baked blue berry cupcake and a deliciously smelling caramel mocha cuppacino was placed right beside me with a napkin. I grinned lifting the cuo of heaven to my lips to take a sip of the goodness, but the sudden shout of my name stopped me from devouring my lovely coffee

I looked at the direction where my boss, Mr Tito was motioning for me with his index finger. Oh man! Just when I was about to enjoy my coffee too

I was called back to my duties...great!

So this chapter I let my sister write it (Reluctantly) simply because she was being a pest and kept insisting that I let her write it and I did...and reading and re-reading it several times, its not so bad although I wouldn't have gone with the direction that she did, but atleast she didn't ruin the concept of my story that's a relief

So now to the true test...letting you guys judge it and comment your opinions

Did she suck? Do I need to re-write the whole thing? Hope not

What do you guys think?

N.B- I'm writing the next chapter on my own hidden in my room where she'll never harass me again

B- I'm writing the next chapter on my own hidden in my room where she'll never harass me again

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