Chapter 1:New Disturbance

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Before we're going to start, I just wanted to tell the readers that The sanses in this story don't have their mouths up as a smile, their mouths are like how humans has it.

And also,

I honestly didn't expect a lot of people would read my story, thank you~!

Thank you very much for the love and support you gave me on my previous one. I really appreaciate it and thank you so much. That's all and enjoy the story~!

Inside a big room with Sanses seated on a big round table. They had come when Ink announced an emergency meeting out of the blue, in their case.

Talk between them filled the room while finding themselves a seat. They are all confused from the sudden announcement, but if it's an emergency, they're all very uneasy.

Some of them asked the two present members of the Star Sanses, but both Dream and Blue were clueless. They seated themselves and waited for the skeleton that had announced an emergency meeting.

They saw a portal made and soon quiets down when Ink and Sci both came out of the portal. The room was silent, they saw Ink was having an awkward expression while Sci was visibly trembling in fear.

"I know this is out of the blue for you all when I announced an emergency meeting so suddenly..." Ink said pausing as he looked at everyone in the room.

"If it's an emergency meeting, then something must've happen." Nightmare said, looking unconcerned but, has a troubling feeling as he saw how badly Sci trembled in fear and how Ink's eyes are full of anxiousness

"What's this emergency meeting all about anyways?" Fell asked, curiously and impatiently. He knows that something bad is going on, but he was curious of how bad the situation is.

Ink could feel how uneasy and distressed the others are. He decided to stop the suspense and tell them their situation, which Ink would describe it as their worst disturbance ever.

"We have found a new disturbance. Something more worst that any of us have faced before." Ink gravely said. The others' reactions were all shocked. They didn't say anything and Ink proceeded.

"We don't know where it came from, but before I announced this meeting. Sci and I observed this new disturbance." Ink was about to continue, but Blue asked a critical question.

"Where did the disturbance came from?" Blue asked out of curiousity. Feeling all eyes looked directly at him, Ink knew he wasn't going to slip past this one.

"Th-that' thing we haven't figured out yet." Ink flusteredly stutter as he answered the question. Ink nor Sci almost forgot to figure out where the new disturbance's origin is.

"How come?" Geno let out. "We-we were o-observing the n-new disturbance a-and we go-got dumbstruck from how p-powerful it was." Sci stammered as he answered.

"How powerful is it?" Dream slowly asked. With that question, everyone was curious for the answer of that. They patiently wait for Ink's answer, who was thinking hard how to describe it.

"I-it's powers are... overwhelming." Ink said, thinking if that was a good description of it. "The power it had would be difficult enough to handle, but what's more is that it is very skillful and clever."

Ink was very certain of how much power it has and how clever and skillful it is. "W-we saw how i-it destroyed an em-empty world with just li-little power." Sci commented and Ink nods in agreement.

The other Sanses were shocked that only one monster could destroy a world with little power and with ease. They were starting to get aware of how powerful this new disturbance is.

"Ink." Someone called out, and as Ink turned to the person that called him, was Abyss. "Do you think we have a chance at this?" He asked with an unreadable expression.

Ink calculated the possibility in his mind. He stopped his train of thought and answered. "I don't really... know." He said with no confidence to his answer and Abyss nods as he understood what the latter's feelings of this situation.

"Yo, But what if..." Someone trailed off, they turn to who said it, it was Fresh. "...We work together, ain't that a radical idea?" Fresh simply said.

"I-i think we have a ch-chance if we do." Sci said, glancing at Ink. "Unless..." Sci trailed off, after the small eye contact he had with Ink. The others paid attention on what Sci's going to say next.

"...It has allies." With what Sci said, every sans in the room became cautious. Ink sighs and said. "If that happens, we're gonna have a baaad time~."

|| Somewhere in The Multiverse ||

Blue flames, craters, broken walls and flying dust scattered everywhere in a world where monsters and people don't live in with thick walls filled around the area, would make a very good battleground.

Two monsters standing at the top of each thick walls, facing each other. The only monster could make such a mess would be these two monsters, ready to kill each other out.

"Hey, brother." The pink monster called out to the other monster. "Won't you spare me?" The pink monster said with a mocking tone, much to the other monster's annoyance.

"Don't you ever call me brother and just stop destroying things." The skeleton monster said, making the pink monster sad with a pouting face. The sleleton was obviously wasn't in a mood to play or joke around.

"Brother's so mean~" The pink monster teased and snickers. "I am your brother, aren't I?" The pink monster said with his mockingly- sounding tone.

The skeleton monster just sigh. "Just behave and come with me." The skeleton said, starting to get sick amd tired. The pink monster looks down in disapproval.

"If we go back, your gonna lock me up and leave me alone..." The pink monster said, but not with it's usual mocking voice, but with sorrow. The skeleton monster felt bad, but if he can just explain it to him.

As the skeleton was about to say something, his attention soon diverted completely to a surprise attack by the pink monster.

The skeleton kept on dodging every flying bones that was heading towards him. When he tried to look back at the pink monster, he saw how the pink monster has this dejected expression.

The pink monster then opened a portal. Before going in, he looked back at the skeleton and said. "See you later, Classic." Were the words he said before entering the portal and disappeared.

Classic, the skeleton, sat down to catch his breath. He cursed at himself for not exercising and for losing the pink monster.


Thank you very much reading and i hope you enjoyed it~!

That's all for in this chapter, but i promise that the next one will be even better.

Please cooment on what you think of my story.

If you want to be friends, i will happily accept.


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