Chapter 4: Retreat

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Before we start:

I just wanted to say thank you for the followers, readers and friends for helping me out. I honestly didn't expect to have many reads in just a small amount of time and i just really am grateful. That's all and please enjoy~!

They prepared themselves for the upcoming fight that is about to take place. As Classic used the PSD or Portal Summoning Device, they arrived on a very big world and is filled with trees and snow.

They walked and looked around for a bit. They were investigating on what world were they in, or whose world are they in.

None are quite sure if they're in their AU, but they have to find Vil (The pink monster) soon, before he does anything bad in this world they're in.

They stopped on their tracks after they felt strong magic energy near them. Classic and the rest of the sanses regrouped to start a plan.

"We should go in units to fight him." Ink started and Classic agrees and so does the others. "There should be the medics, supporters and front liners." Ink finished and looked at everyone.

"The leader of the medics should be Blue with..." Ink trailed off looking at the sanses. "Sci, Farm, Decans and Ccino." The three said sanses agreed with Ink.

Ink then looks at the rest. "Dream will be the leader of the supporting squad with Abyss, TK, Sky and Sanes." Ink said and just like before the other sanses did, they agreed.

"The rest will go head on, I hope your all prepared." Ink said with a determined expression. They soon advance to where the strong magic is from.

As they get any closer, the power they felt before, now just started to get more overwhelming. Classic was baffled and shocked, the others were too, but they kept going.

Before they can have one more step, light started to glow up from the snow-filled ground and suddenly exploded everywhere.

They closed their eyes and are ready for the unexpected impact that is about to happen, but felt nothing. They opened their eyes and are now on top of gasterblasters.

They realized that they were riding on Classic's Gasterblaster. They soon heard explosion and when they look up in front, they saw Classic actively dodging and attacking something that they couldn't see clearly.

The Gasterblasters moved to somewhere safe. Once they were taken to a safer place, Classic then soon came into their view with only small droplets of sweat.

Ink and the other sanses was utterly surprised that Classic just saved them from an unexpected trap, like he expected there was. Classic just felt the power from below and was on his guard the whole time, while the others thought otherwise.

Classic soon walked to Ink. "We should retreat for now." He said firmly and in a madly serious tone. The others heard him and are confused why Classic suggested to retreat.

"If we fight it now, we will lose." Before Classic could continue, Hate said. "We can take him one if we work together, right?" He said while Classic just shook his shoulders.

"Let's go back first." Sci finally said and the others were recluntant about it. Classic soon stated. "I guess Sci and Ink were the one's that realized his power has increased."

"If we go in now, we're dead." Ink said and created a portal. "Let's go for now." Dream said, thinking that is probably for the best in the meantime.

When all sanses minus Ink, Geno, Decans, Dust and Classic entered the portal, they heard some rustling movements in the forest. The portal suddenly disappeared and a white tentacle came out of the forest and grabbed Ink.

Classic tried to cut off the white tentacle thing with his gasterblaster, but when they were a countless amount of those white tentacles came out of the forest and some attcked them while some grabbed them.

They kept on going and tried to fend the tentacles off, but when they were low in stamina, they were grabbed by them and was led to somewhere without much struggle.

|| Meanwhile ||

When Lust entered the portal and before the last five sanses could enter, they were surprised it suddenly closed. Dream tried to find a way to go back to them, but they can't because of a magic barrier.

The others were finding a way to help the four sanses that are trapped in that world, but can't teleport nor make a portal for that world because of a magic barrier Vil made.

They were worried and are panicking for their friends. Reaper was just pacing around the room, trying to find out a way to go back to their friends, he saw something on the table.

Reaper realized that it was the device that Classic had made and brought with him. He looked at the back part of it and randomly clicked on the back. It suddenly pulled itself from his hand and landed on the floor.

The device was shaking on the floor and it soon started to do something unexpected. The device began to open up and a flashing light was being shown, when it was fully operated, he can tell that it was a portal.

But, the question is, a portal to where? Reaper didn't want to keep it to himself, and so he went out of the meeting room to go and fetch Dream and the others.

All the sanses(except the ones that are trapped in a world) have gathered inside the meeting room with the device making a portal still activating.

All of them didn't know where it leads to. They're nervous that maybe the portal could lead to somehwere dangerous. Nightmare stepped up front.

"It's Classic's device, right?" Nightmare asked not looking at the rest of the sanses, but kept his eyes on the portal. Dream didn't know and didn't want to know what his brother is about to do, but replied a 'yes'.

Nightmare chuckled before saying. "Then it could lead to somewhere safe..." Nightmare trailed off and looks at them and contiued saying.
"... like his home."

Dream and the others widened their eyes and looked at the portal again. Reaper soon spoke up. "Before I clicked on the back part of it, there were something written on it."

The others looked at him and from just that, Reaper continued. "The word was 'HOME' and it was written at the back part." He said and that confirms Nightmare's theory.

The others were despreate for help and they need it now. "If we have the Original Gaster, we can find a way to save our friends!" Outer exclaimed hopefully.

They all agreed to enter, but Nightmare suggested he would go first and soon, one by one, they entered the portal.

Thank you so much for reading my story. I hope you liked this chapter because i made this chapter out of the blue and i am also thinking really hard to make this chapter interesting that I accidentally need to have some adjustments, but it's all good~!

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Theshippingqween : she/he is new to wattpad and i love her/his book.

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