Chapter 2: The Encounter

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I am really thankful for the readers that supported me and i reached a lot of reads and likes in just a short amount of time and it's all thanks to you all. Thank you so much for everything.

Please don't be shy to comment on what you think of my story.

This book is like a blessing to me because i get to make friends here in wattpad. Anyways, I hope you enjoy my new chapter~!

The AU sanses were still going with their meeting and the others are asking many questions that needed to be answered.

"Do you have a description on what it look liked?" G sans asked and Sci stepped in. "G-good thing you asked." He said as he takes out something from his bag and placed the picture in the middle of the table.

"We got this when we were observing." Ink said and stated. "The world where we took this is gone now." The sanses looked at him in utter shock as they looked at the picture.

(This is the picture)

"He looks so harmless

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"He looks so harmless." Dust commented as he stared at the picture. The others can agree that the monster in the picture looked like a harmless pink monster bunny.

"Well, there is a saying to 'don't judge a book by it's cover.'" Cross stated as he stared at the picture. He sat down after seeing the photo and looked at Ink and asked. "Do you have any idea, where could it come from?"

Ink began to think from where the monster could belong to. "Not that I could think of." He answered completely clueless. Ink looks at Abyss and just from the looks of it, Abyss knows what Ink wanted to say.

"I've never seen a creature like it before nor encountered him, and if I did I would be able to face him before this." Abyss casually said and Ink nods at Abyss' answer.

The power that Ink and Sci felt was more than they could handle but, something was a bit off which made Sci to assume that there was one more monster with almost has the same amount of magic.

But they saw no one else with the the monster. Just one would almost kill them and destroy the whole multiverse, but if two monsters are out to destroy the whole multiverse, would they have a chance?

That thought has been bothering both Ink and Sci. They wanted all the help they can get to protect everyone and to prevent anymore disasters to occure.

Ink was soon snapped out of his train of thought when he feels something powerful nearby. He looked at everyone else and they all seemed to not notice it.

Sci felt something buzzing from his pocket and when he dug his hands in his pocket to see what was buzzing, he took out a remote. He rushed over to Ink and told him something that caused Ink to get goosebumps.

Classic was walking around the world he was in that was filled with thick walls. He was at the bottom, just walking around, waiting for something.

He took out a cicrle-shaped device that has a yello bar on it. "This things loads up so slow." Classic lazily said as he shoved the device inside his pocket. He was a little thankful that the pink monster didn't destroy the world he was stuck in.

He really needs to get out of there and go and bring that pink monster back.
Classic was just walking around on a quiet path. He didn't realized that there was a tree just a few more steps ahead.

Classic decided to rest there and wait until his device is ready. Classic was about to reach the tree, when his right foot stepped on something and triggered a trap.

When Classic stepped on the trap, blue walls started to form and trapped him inside. He was low on magic energy to attempt on breaking the walls.

Classic closed his eyes and just slept there to have more energy. He knows that whatever creature that tries attacking him, there attacks will be blocked from the walls anyways.

Classic used the trap to his anvantage.

|| In the Meeting room ||

The meeting was over, with Ink's dismissal. Ink rushed to talk to Blue and Dream about something with Sci following him behind. As Ink was now infront of the two other members of the star sanses took them to a corner.

"Can you guys help me on something?" Ink had asked nervously. Dream and Blue smiles at him. "Of course we would!" Blue happily said, wanting to help a friend out.

"What do you need help for?" Dream asked with his usual smile. "Me and Sci made a trap at every empty universe that's designed to activate whenever something or someone triggers it." Ink explained to them.

"Did something triggered it?" Dream asked in utter surprise. "Let's ch-check it out t-then." Sci said and the four of them agrees.

But, before they can take off, someone ceased them for a moment. "What are you guys talking about?" Nightmare asked with his arms crossed. Soon, all attention was then diverted at them.

Dream took over. "We're just going to check on something important, brother." He said as Nightmare narrows his eyes at his brother. "We'rE goINg WiTh yOu." Error interjected.

Blue and Sci looks at Ink, who just sighs. "Is there anyone else who want to come?" Ink said and all sans inside the room raised their hands. "I guess all of us are going." Blue mumbled as Sci chuckled.

"Then, everyone please get yourselves ready." Ink said standing beside Dream. The other sanses looks at each other and they all said simultaneously. "We're ready." They said and Ink chuckled.

"Let's go then." Ink said and created a portal to where a trap was triggered from. Every sans in the room, jumped into the portal and teleported them to where the trapped monster is.

|| Back To Classic ||

Classic woke up to the sound of something beeping from his pocket on his jacket. He took it out and saw his device got a green bar on. Classic felt relieved, wanting to escape and find his target.

As Classic was about to use the device, he saw a portal was made a few steps ahead of him. He saw how monsters that looked like him stepped out of the portal one by one. He blinked at how many they are and how similar they looked like.

Classic got his guard up, ready from what was about to happen next. He was surprised how a smaller version of himself ran towards him happily like a little child.

But to Classic, the smaller version of himself somehow reminded him of his little brother Papyrus. He was confused when he diverted his gaze on the other version of himself that also came out of the portal.

Every sans was completely shock or suprised, and some were speechless. Their eyes were wide and their mouths agape. Because just infront of their eyes, was the Original Sans.

Thank you so much for the love and support you have given me, I really appreciate it. You guys are the reason why I am motivated to make this and I hope you enjoyed my story.

That's all for today and please rate this chapter(If you want to) out of 10 and i am ready for your honest opinion~!

(Do you guys think it's short?)


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