Chapter 3: The Story

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The Sanses were back at the meeting room once again but, with Classic. They are still shocked and confused that the Original just appeared out of nowhere.

The meeting room was quiet because of how shocked or speechless they were except the Original. Classic was a bit awkward at how quiet it was.

Fell can tell and clears his throat and he even faked a cough loud enough, snap the others out of their reactions. Ink soon regained composure and leads.

"U-uhh..." Ink trailed off as pressure starts to prevent him from saying something from how he was in the Original's presence.

"Excuse me." Classic said, deciding to say something. As he said that, all pairs of eyes are directed at him and are waiting for him to say. Classic was a little bit pressured because of the expectant stares.

"A-am I a bother to you-" Before Classic could finish his sentence, he was already cut off by Ink. "You are in no shape or way of being a bother to us." Ink interjected and calmed down.

"I guess you felt that way because of how we're acting, huh?" Blue said as he scratched the back of his skull. "Sorry about that, we were j-just overwhelmed." Sci said as he gave Classic a apologetic smile.

"Nah, it's fine." Classic said  and made the others relieved and less awkward. But, he is curious and he wanted to ask them.

"Before we can start..." Classic trailed and had caught everyone's attention. "Can i ask a question." He asked and Dream responded nicely. "Ask away!"

"You already explained to me about the whole multiverse and how you all originate from me. But I wanted to know..." Classic paused for a moment.

"Why are you guys acting like i'm such a big deal?" Classic asked them, he was genuinely curious because he thinks that he's nothing more than a lazy monster.

Classic didn't wait for an answer and just said. "You can just treat me like anyone else, like a friend." He said casually, making the others flushed at the thought of making the Original their friend.

"B-b-bu-but! Your the original!" Ccino said, looking so flushed. "And I want you to treat me a friend and that means, you guys are my friends." Classic slowly said, making sure every word would dig in their skull.

Some sanses were touched and had tears on their eyes. They then feel less awkward and began to make a plan. Before that, they have to ask questions from Classic.

"Can I ask you something?" Ink said to Classic without stammering. "Ask away." Classic said without a second thought. Ink paused for a bit to think what to ask first.

"Do you  have any connections with the disturbance?" Ink asked with so much curiousity and so does the rest of the sanses in the room.

Classic understood why they ask that question very much. Since he and the pink monster, both appeared out of nowhere at the same time and how much, Classic's powers are similar with the pink monster.

"Yes, I do." Classic casually said without hesitating. "And i'll explain to you everything. So, pay close attention." As Classic said that, all Sanses paid close attention.

"Let me start at the beginning." Classic said and paused for dramatic effects and then continued. "My brother, Papyrus, wanted to have a younger brother." As Classic started off, the rest of the sanses were confused, but still listened.

"So, my dad, Gaster, went to the lab to create one with my and his genes. But, something happened while Gaster and Alphys was out of the lab and when they got back, they saw in the computer that there was an error."

As Classic told them, some glance at Error to tease him while the others were easily understanding the events and how it all began and they are waiting for Classic to continue while paying attention like little kids that someone was reading a story to them.

"Gaster soon called me for help so, me, Undyne and Papyrus rushed to the lab." There was a pregnant pause. "As soon as we got there, we saw Alphys and Gaster were on the ground and we saw him."

The others were too immersed in the story Classic was telling them that they didn't say a word and are reacting to the events so sincerely. Classic soon then continued.

"He looked so harmless and playful, but he's really the opposite if you can't be on his good side. We tried calming him down, it worked for awhile. But we were still cautious."

Classic was a little bit surprised at how the other versions of himself were so immersed in his story, he giggled so quietly then continued.

"Me, Gaster and Alphys were talking about taking him back to the lab to get him fixed up properly, but he didn't want to because he thinks it might change him or we were going to kill him." Classic said and continued.

"He misunderstood and threw a tantrum." Before Classic could continue, he saw someone wanting to ask a question, but waited for the right moment to ask it.

"Do you have any questions before continuing?" Classic asked and saw the monster, that was keeping his curiousity to himself. Classic caught eye contact with him.

"I have one." Geno was the skeleton that wanted to ask something he was curious about. "Why do you need to fix him, aside from how he knock Gaster and Alphys on the ground." Geno asked curiously.

"He was too dangerous and too powerful. First reason is, When he's in a bad mood, he isn't aware that his powers were flowing out, almost suffocating anyone that goes near him." Classic explained and proceeded.

"The second reason is, when anything doesn't go as the way he wanted, he will throw a tantrum by destroying everything. His emotions are out of control." Classic paused then continued.

"Whenever his angry, he will destroy everything with anger. If he's sad or upset, his powers are everywhere and will attack you left and right. If he feels threatened or if anyone threatens us, he will not hesitate to kill you."

Classic said with a troubled voice, he had already witnessed every scene of those and was a little bit traumatized. He then took out a device from his pocket and explained.

"We tried to explain and convince hin why we wanted to fix him. But, a bright light appeared behind him and we realized it was a portal, he then jumped in and escaped." Classic said. Sci and Ink looked at each other for a brief moment.

"Alphys, Me and Gaster, made a device to let a person or monster to summon a portal." Classic then showed the circle device that has a green bar on the middle.

Since Classic and the other monster in the original Universe can't summon a portal on their own, they have to make a device that allows them. The others were amazed at how they can make a device that summons portals.

"It can also teleport me to where Vil had gone to." As Classic finished, the others were wondering something and TK (Time kid) asked curiously. "Who's Vil?"

"The name of the 'pink monster'." Classic answered and there were now understanding everything they had been wanting to find out. The others were relieved to have Classic on their side.

Thank you for everyone that is reading my book. I'm very happy and grateful to you all for giving me support and motivation.

Please comment and rate my story from 1 to 10 because i want to know if you are all satisfied.

I hope you enjoyed and if you want to be friends with me, i'll gladly accept.


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