Chapter 5: Treat like family

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Before we proceed to the story, I just wanna say, I'm so sorry for not publishing, and I want to make it up to you all with this chapter.

Classic, Ink, Decans, Dust, and Geno was held captive by Vil. They were confined in a room with nothing but toys and other game equipment they can use. They looked around to see it was just them inside the room.

Classic sighs then went up to the door, he held the doorknob and tried to open it. He twisted it, but it won't budge nor it opened. He looked back at the senses his with and all of them were trying something to escape.

Ink tried to make portals, Decans tried to break some walls, Dust tried to destroy everything, but their attempts failed. Seem as though Geno thought it would be useless to do anything inside the room so, he just sat still.

As Classic was about to pick the lock on the door, they heard some static from somewhere and they all froze at the sound for a second before realizing that someone was speaking from the speakers.

"Hello everyone!" A voice all too familiar to Classic said with a tone so jolly while the others that are captive are all angry. "I'm so happy that you all stayed to play with me~!" Vil assumed naively.

"We never stay to do some sh*t." Dust said, irritated for trapping him in a room that he can't escape in. "No swearing in front of a child." Ink scolded Dust for swearing.

"That ain't a kid." Dust retorted as he crossed his arms. Dust then directed his attention to Vil, who was using a speaker to talk to them. "What do you want, you sh*tty toddler." He exclaimed.

"I just want to play with my brothers..." Vil paused and then said with a painful tone. "I wanted to be loved, to be treated like family." Classic suddenly felt a big impact of guilt hit his soul when he heard what Vil said.

Classic also wanted to treat Vil like family and be part of it as a valuable member of that family. The other sanses he was with were silent. They know they can't butt in on the topic.

That brought Classic to say. "I want it to be like that too..." He trailed off and there was a halt for a moment before Classic resumed. "But first, we need to take you home and fix you." He said with his bony hands clenched together.

Vil didn't say a word to what Classic had said and he was hesitant to say anything. He was afraid and he didn't know why. He only wanted a family who loves him and he loves him.

Classic was getting worried at every second pass by with no reply nor reactions from Vil. They waited in stillness. They all don't why they were all still nor quiet but the situation just automatically sets you to it.

Unknowingly to them, a vent inside that room started to let out air which they think nothing of. And soon enough they feel something.

They all feel their eyes getting drowsy,  minds getting numb, and muscles getting limp. Their heads started to sway back and forth, they found themselves some stuffed toys and they eventually fell asleep with their heads on the toys.

They're Sleeping so peacefully with no dreams. Their senses lowered down and minds, relaxed. They doze off to dreamless slumber and anything else that surrounds them doesn't matter.

Even when someone snuck into the room they were in.

|| With The Other Sanses ||

Once Dream stepped out of the portal, it closed and they shortly started heading to where they think is Classic's home is. They weren't sure of the path they chose, but they kept on going anyway.

They were inside a big forest and the sky looked slightly less dark. As they kept on walking, they observe their surroundings and have noticed something.

Some trees in the forest looked a bit burnt and it also seems that a car crashed into some trees in the forest. A few of the sanses felt uncomfortable or creeped out by their surroundings.

They were surprised that they got out of the forest that fast, and just ahead of them was a house in shambles. They cautiously approach the house together.

Horror carefully steps on the porch. Once he did so, the floor started to creak. He was about to open the door, but Nightmare called for them. He went to the group, leaving the house closed.

It seems that Cross has found a path to the town. They needed to find at least one person they know that could help them with their situation.

But, before they could leave, Horror asked a question. "What about the house?" There was a moment of silence before Nightmare answered.

"We shouldn't enter because there is a possibility that it will collapse on us." Horror hesitated at first but nods his skull, and soon enough, they departed.

Dream thought that they will have to find somewhere to sleep in and Blue gladly volunteered to find a nice place for them to stay in.

Dream lets Blue, Fresh, Ccino, Horror, and Outer to find a place for them while the others would search for the monsters they needed help with with the available time left.

They split up and started to do their assigned tasks. The Sanses that are searching for the monsters, decided to split into tiny groups. Once they did so, they began to head off.

They searched and searched for the monsters they know that could help them, but to no avail. Time passed by and they still haven't seen anyone that could be Gaster, Alpys, Papyrus, and more.

They asked for other monsters for some information, but know nothing about the monsters they're trying to find. They even went to the palace, but the royal family was gone.

They decided to rest for the night and will start searching again on the next day. They arrived at a decent-looking hotel. They entered the hotel and were greeted by a child-like Sans.

"Welcome back guys!" Blue greeted cheerfully, hoping to make his friends smile. Killer appeared from behind and asked as soon as he saw them. "How did the searching go?"

Error and Nightmare let out a heavy sigh, Sanes and TK was quiet and looking tired while the others let out a disappointing sigh. Seeing the scene before him, Dream decided to answer.

"The searching..." Dream hesitated, thinking of something to tell them. "It went...-" He started to stutter, feeling his mind go blank and tired.

Blue and Killer looked at each other and back at their friends. Judging from their expression and reactions, they know full well that the searching didn't go well.

Blue and Killer decided to guide them to their rooms for them to have some rest.

||Back With The Kidnapped Sanses||

Ink blinked his eyes, trying to adjust to the light inside that room. He looked everywhere to see the other senses he's with are still asleep.

He looked to his right to see Classic sleeping, he admits that Classic looked adorable and charming, but he didn't expect him to be so adorable while sleeping.

Ink quietly chuckled at the adorable sigh. He knows that all of them looked the same, but there was something different about Classic that just pulls your whole attention to him.

Of course, Ink saw Blue and Dream's sleeping faces and he has to admit that they were adorable too, but there is this charm that Classic got that attracts almost anyone to him.

Ink isn't sure what was going on with his feelings right now and he is genuinely frustrated, but he set those things aside first because they need to concentrate on how to fix the situation they're in.

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you guys enjoyed it. Please tell me how you feel and what you think about my story.

Schoolwork has been holding me back from making new chapters, but if I ever have any free time I will write more chapters as much as I can.

Still, thank you so much for still reading my book even though I almost haven't published anything, in like, months or so, and that's why I am still motivated on writing more.


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