"I miss the old Peggy"

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Peggy: *enters the SSR elevator* *looks at her watch* oh my god I stood up Dottie again

*random SSR agent enters the elevator*

Agent: Aren't you that gay agent?

Peggy: *ignores him*

Agent: *tries grabbing Peggy's ass*

Peggy: *punches him* Keep your hands to yourself or next thing you know you'll wake up in a bathtub full of blood with no arms.

Agent: *smirks*

Peggy: *gets to the parking lot*

Agent: *stalks her*

Peggy: *takes out a gun and points it at him* one more step and ill shoot

Agent: *tries to move*

Peggy: *loads the gun* I wouldn't

Agent: Come with me bitch, I can turn you normal again

Dottie: *loads a gun and places it at his head* and I can turn you into pieces. Two opinions bud you either get out of here or you stay and get your little misogynistic ass killed by two ladies

Agent: *yells* Bitches

Dottie: *shoots him* *smiled at Peggy* rough day huh?

Peggy: *smiles* Darling you have no idea.

Dottie: Lets get out of here before anyone comes.

Peggy: yeah...you're right.

*car starts*

Peggy: So I was thinking-

Dottie: If you're thinking about getting me a present for Christmas no thank you

Peggy: Okay we can-

Dottie: Talk about how I spend Christmas as a kid? Hell no

Peggy: But-

Dottie: But we can sit in our pajamas and drink hot tea and then make out and eventually fall asleep around the fireplace

Peggy: Okay but I need to-

Dottie: Know?


Dottie: I'm sorry *tries to hug Peggy*


Dottie: Oops

Peggy: Mr Jarvis and Ana will leave in 2 days and they'll be gone for like 3 weeks-

Dottie: So that means fooling around the house, making pancakes naked, having sex everywhere and not wearing any clothes?

Peggy: Exactly

Dottie: Best Christmas ever!

Peggy: And the best part is that we are going to-

Dottie: Decorate our Christmas tree naked?

Peggy: Why don't you let me finish and what's with the obsession of being naked?!

Dottie: Because if I'm naked then you'll be naked to and do you know what that mean?

*both at the same time* Sex!

Peggy: I never walk around naked.

Dottie: Yes you do

Peggy: I may be naked but I'm wearing a robe to cover my self

Dottie: Yeah me too...

Peggy: You don't even have a robe?!

Dottie: You're going to get me a robe

Peggy: You just said that you didn't want any presents and why do you even need a robe.

Dottie: So that I can walk around naked and when I see Mr Jarvis I can flash him

Peggy: *laughs* that's a good one

Dottie: *stops the car* here we are

Peggy: And that's...?

Dottie: A dog shelter

Peggy: No!

Dottie: Relax. We're not here for a dog

Peggy: But...?

Dottie: I know that you won't agree with me BUT I decided to throw this huge New Year's Eve party at our house and we said to spice things up a bit and we decided to get some co-


Dottie: Shhhhh. I'll be back in 5

Peggy: I'm warning you!

Dottie: *opens the car door* Hi. I'm back

Peggy: Oh really? Because I thought a possum opened the door

Dottie: Okay why are you mad?

Peggy: My girlfriend is throwing a party at our place with DRUGS and in case you forgot IM AN AGENT. Not a police officer, an agent

Dottie: Jack said it would be fine

Peggy: I-Jack would be there?

Dottie: Yeah. Daniel too and Angie

Peggy: And they all agreed?

Dottie: Mhm

Peggy: *sighs* I miss the old Peggy

Dottie: C'mon it would be fun. I can snort a line from your ass.


Dottie: Okay I'll ask Angie

Peggy: You said a New Year's Eve party not a cocaine orgy

Dottie: *pulls over at the drive way*

Peggy: I'm going to go upstairs and get some rest *slams the door*

Dottie: O-okay

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