Nuclear Shelter

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    "I'm going to go help Nipponia watch over Israel-Palestine," Russia said, definitely devoid of ulterior motives.

    "I'll come with you," Kangwon offered, but the republic quickly declined.

     "It's okay, I've got it." He glared at China. "Say a word, and I will crack you like a fresh egg."

     "I never say anything, but I receive so many threats," China sighed.

    "I can wash that dish," Y/N volunteered, and Russia handed the plate to her.

"Thanks." He headed back to the elevator.

   Y/N started for the kitchen, when she realised that North was following her.


   The country pushed her towards the door behind the stairs. "I need to get away from them," he growled. "The only one who would even set foot in the kitchen is CCCP. We'll be safe there."

    Y/N giggled as the Countryhuman shoved her into the kitchen, then shut the door, engaging the lock.

   He sighed. "Finally."

    The girl shook her head, crossing to the sink to fill it up. She glanced at the counter. "Oh. Are these the dishes from breakfast?"

    "They must be. I sent the kitchen girls home when China told me that Vietnam was coming."

   "North?" Y/N narrowed her eyes at the Countryhuman.

    "What?" He avoided her gaze.

    "Did you eat this morning?"

   North looked her dead in the eyes. "Yes."

    "I don't believe you." Y/N crossed her arms.

    "That's not my problem," the country retorted. "Now get out of the way. I'll wash the dishes."

    "No." Y/N spread her arms in front of the filling sink. Realistically, if North wanted to get by her, he could, and quite easily, too. But he just glared at her. "I'm doing this."

    "You wash the dishes too much lately." He walked towards her, until he was right in front of her. "Just sit here while I do it."

    Y/N shook her head. "Make something to eat instead."

    As she had known that he would, North immediately said, "I'm not hungry."

    The woman sighed. "I am. I didn't eat breakfast."

     The Countryhuman's eye widened. "Ssi-bal. I let you sleep too late."

     Y/N nodded. "So make me something to eat. Two bowls of rice, please."

    North narrowed his eye at her. "I see what you're doing."

     "What?" Y/N asked innocently. "I'm hungry."

     "I'm not eating," North said firmly, heading to the cupboards, nonetheless.

    'We'll see about that.'

     She turned off the sink, full of water now, and began to wash the dishes, while North put rice in the rice cooker.

      "I didn't know that you could cook," Y/N commented. In fact, the only people in the high-rise that seemed to be capable of cooking were the kitchen staff that made all of their meals, and CCCP.

     "I can turn on a rice cooker," North said defensively. "Even if it's not a talking one."

    "A... talking one?" she asked. She hadn't known that rice cookers could talk.

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