Phone Call

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      "North, do you have to play this music every morning?" China's voice was clear, sounding as if he had been awake for awhile.

      "Yes," North said shortly, striding past the guest floor where the other Countryhuman was standing.

      "It's so ominous. How does your girlfriend feel about it?" China fell in beside them as they headed downstairs.

       "It's fine," Y/N said quickly. "I don't mind it."

      In truth, the morning music's haunting strains had scared her the first time that she had heard their chords echoing over the city. Now, however, she barely noticed it, beyond being roused from her sleep most days.

       "CCCP says that Israel-Palestine is terrified of it." China's voice was calm as he told them this. "Wakes up wailing every morning about Allah and Yahweh. Quite annoying, or so I've been told."

     North glanced back at him suspiciously. "You better be staying out of his room. Only CCCP is allowed in."

       Krim had to be escorted to visit Seo Chung-cha and Soo Chun-hei by CCCP. Though UIP's room remained locked, they didn't want to take any chances.

       "Of course." China smiled. "I make it a goal to stay as far away from religious manics as possible. I hear enough about Allah as it is."

     They had a quiet breakfast, Hae having departed for her province sometime last night, and Nipponia and Russia only seeming to be half-concious.

      The two republics had perked up by the time that everyone met in North's office to strategise.

       "I want to fight with Vietnam," Nipponia was sighing. "She was so cool in the Vietnam War. It would be nice to fight on her side."

       The Vietnamese Countryhuman- now a republic- had apparently started sailing for the West Coast of the United States, ready for war.

       CCCP seemed to be thinking of something, eyes far away. "I do not want you going to America's shores right now. But-" he said, seeing his adopted daughter look disappointed. "You could go to Southeast Asia. Since Vietnam is overseas, they could use you there."

       Once Vietnam had joined their cause, most of the Southeast Asians had followed, either willingly or through revolutions.

      Nipponia's ears perked up, and she gave a toothy grin. "Sign me up."

       "Russia." The Soviet country turned to look at his son, face solemn. "It is time."

      The Slav immediately straightened up, his face falling into a cold expression. "Good."

       "You're going to Ukraina?" North asked. He continued without waiting for a response. "Good. Don't come back."

        "You're definitely going to miss us when we go back home." Nipponia's tone was teasing as she leaned on Russia. The Slav was like a rock, hard and emotionless, as he stared at a point the rest of them couldn't see.

       "Doubtful." North looked at China. "It would be too much to ask for you to leave, too, I take it."

      China nodded. "I'm not going anywhere."

       As if to immediately contradict his words, a small stream of blood trickled from his lips.

      They all looked at him in alarm. Y/N felt a pit of dread open up in her stomach.

       The Chinese Countryhuman stiffened, all of his usual serenity leaving his face. He opened his eyes, and used his hand to wipe the blood from his chin.

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