Thank You!

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Thank you all so much for reading! I started this on a random thought in the middle of the night, and I'm literally so thrilled that you all liked it!

I'm really emotional that this is over, because I loved writing it so much. I might do one-shots someday, but for now I need to save up money to head back to Pyongyang.

If any of you ever want to draw any of Korea's provinces, go ahead. You don't need to credit me, I just like seeing people be creative so please tag it 'Safeway Pyongyang' so I can see it. As long as you don't use them for anti-North Korea things- if you do that I will make it difficult for you.

For now, I leave you with this message- be kind. Fight injustice where you can, stick up for people who need it, don't lose hope because of everything that's happening. And never read the Epoch Times or any news source that starts with 'Radio Free.' They are CIA shills, and I am going to get them. Also Yeomi Park is literally paid by several governments to say the stuff that she does, and so much of it is easily disproved. They prey on people's ignorance and lack of critical thinking.

Things will get better, eventually, I'm of the belief that real Communism is inevitable by the wishes and actions of humans. The only question is 'can we save the world before capitalism destroys us?' I'm actually trying to fight my way up in the political ranks of my country. I would love to try and defect to the DPRK, but I want to try and make things better here. Either way, I intend to be on the right side of history.

So even if you're not a Communist, just be good. If you're a racist or anything though, I challenge you to a fight behind the local convenience store. I am at all convenience stores at all times. I will find you.

Thank you again for reading, it means the world to me. If you ever want to go to North Korea once this virus is over, I suggest Koryo Tours or Young Pioneer Tours. The latter will also take you to Turkmenistan (where you can get free ketamine), and forbidden parts of Chernobyl in Ukraina and Belarus.

Also, check sources before you just accept news about other countries. I used to buy into some of the bullshit American lies, too, before I grew up and realised that they lie about their enemies all of the time, and started to fact-check things. You should listen to TheFinnishBolshevik on YouTube if you ever want a complete run-down on how the American media lies about North Korea and other places.

Well, I'm off to meet fate. I'll see you all on the other side of the real World War Three, when it comes. I hope you'll all be on the right side.

Goodbye, comrades.

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