Taste Freedom

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    America's eyes widened as the hole appeared in his forehead, red gushing from the wound. Blood and brain sprayed from the back of his skull, splattering the tiles of the Square.

    His mouth opened in a wordless wail, a waterfall of blood pouring from his lips instead of sound as he fell backwards. He started to dissolve into golden dust, disintegrating from the head down.

    There was no acceptance in his expression like Palestine had had, only hate and fear. And then, nothing, as his face crumbled away, never to show another emotion, real or fake, ever again.

    It was over in a few moments, but it felt much longer to Y/N, frozen in shock as she watched America- the most powerful country in the world, the person that she had once loved, before waking to realise that he had made her life a living nightmare- disappear, leaving no trace that he had ever existed. Even the gore on the ground vanished with him, leaving only clean tiles covered in slush.

    She and Korea stood in silence, her hand still on his shoulder, staring at the spot where their biggest enemy had kneeled only seconds before. They were both speechless, unbelieving.

    "It's over," Korea said, sounding vaguely shocked.

    "Yeah." Y/N felt the same numb surprise, unable to comprehend it.

    The cause of so many years of pain and suffering, not just for them, but for the world. Gone in a second, disappearing like storm clouds.

    Then a missile exploded somewhere close by, shaking the earth, and they both leapt to life again.

    "We need to go." Korea turned to grab her, pulling her across the Square. "Once they find out that America's gone, they're probably going to step up their attacks."

    "The way to the high-rise is blocked!" Y/N yelled over the whine of a rocket. "We need to go around!"

    Korea didn't respond, just ran faster, through the Worker's Party Headquarters.

    There were still American soldiers in the streets, though less than before. They were going somewhere, probably to more populated areas.

  Y/N didn't like to think about what that meant for the people in this part of Pyongyang.

     Several men stopped to shoot at them, but Korea only pointed his gun, firing several shots into them with precision, barely stopping. Y/N didn't even have time to feel sick as their bodies went down.

   She didn't need to justify their deaths, well aware that they would kill her without hesitation once they knew that America was gone. And maybe they already did.

    "Wait, Korea!" Y/N spotted something in the rubble.

    A person, dressed in plainclothes.

    "Ssi-bal," Korea cursed, seeing what she saw. He didn't hesitate, looking at the sky as he pushed the ruined building off of the man. "Help me get him up," he ordered.

    "Aren't you not supposed to move injured people?" Y/N asked, moving to support the man regardless.

    "He'll die anyways if we leave him here." Korea grabbed the man, and they supported his limp body between them as they moved through the streets. The Countryhuman kept a hand free for his pistol.

    Y/N held onto hers as well, the American one shoved into the waistband of her leggings, safety on. She didn't know how to use it well, but it made her feel better.

    Their going was slow, only two eyes between the both of them, and hindered by the unconscious man. Y/N could feel the impatience gnawing at Korea. It gnawed at her, too.

Warring Pyongyang // Reader x CountryhumansWhere stories live. Discover now