Flower Hunting

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    "Sooooo," SH said, sipping her tea. "You and Russia?"

    "Don't try to deny it this time," Y/N warned.

    Nipponia's cheeks flamed red as she did her best to bury her face in her tea cup.

    Chagang was staring vaguely at the wall, trying to look disinterested. But when North was off talking to the Supreme Leader, and everyone else was either busy doing war-related things, there was really no other reason for the military province to be here, other than to listen to Y/N and SH harass Nipponia about her love life.

    "I-" The cat-girl drained her cup, and reached for the tea pot.

    "Absolutely not." SH pushed the kettle away from them. "No more tea until you reply."

    "Or," Nipponia said hopefully. "We could question Y/N on North."

    "We already know about Y/N and Korea." Chagang's voice was as close to impatience as Y/N had ever heard it. "Talk."

    "Why do you care anyways?" the Japanese Countryhuman complained.

    "Intelligence gathering. Speak."

    "You don't have to if you don't want to," Y/N said, taking mercy on the Countryhuman. She ignored her province friends' glares.

    "I want to." Nipponia tapped her index fingers together, looking down. "Ano... Yeah, we're a- a thing." She blushed brighter.

    "When did you realise you liked him?" Chagang asked intensely.

    "North really needs to let you watch K-dramas," Nipponia sighed. "My past self hated him, because of the whole Kuril Islands thing."

    "Kuril Islands?" Y/N asked. To her relief, SH and Chagang also looked confused, making this one of the first times that she wasn't the only person who didn't know what was being referenced.

    Nipponia waved her hand dismissively. "These islands north of me. It was this whole thing, but now Chichi's declared it a shared zone, so I'm over it. My opinion of him changed a lot after North told me he was on our side. My people really admire countries that are willing to fight with us. Plus, he likes anime."

    "Oo, enemies to lovers," SH teased. "Romantic."

    "Very one-sided enemies," Nipponia admitted. "We just got to talking, and it turns out we have a lot in common. I have- had no friends, and almost all of his siblings either hated him, or were scared of him. The others stuff's too... personal to talk about." She blushed. "Can I refill my cup, now?"

    SH released the hostage teapot. "I'm satisfied."

    "I'm not," Chagang said.

    "We can watch 'Oh Youth' again, sometime," Y/N placated the province. It was a romantic comedy about one academic man who lived in a family full of sportswomen, and ended up marrying a Taekwondoist. Y/N had watched it with him back before the war.

    "If North joins CCCP, I'll lend you some romantic anime," Nipponia promised. "I think you'd like 'Net-juu no Susume.' I'm not sure if any of the ones I can think of would get through your censors right now."

    SH stiffened slightly. "Y/N, do you want to go for a walk? We can leave Chagang and Nipponia to discuss romantic comedies."

    Y/N blinked in surprise. "O...kay?"

    The white Provincehuman suddenly seemed on edge, not relaxing until they were half-way across Kim Il-sung Square.

    "Can you slow down, please?" Y/N asked. She was having trouble keeping up with her friend, who was walking quite fast.

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