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I know that this kind of things - the letters, I mean - are something you don't lack of. I've seen them
filling your locker and your desk. Some are small and simple, and others are big and extravagant.
I'm in the first group, if you haven't notice.

I know I see you every day. I know you're silly, and oblivious and oh, so stupid sometimes, but I
cannot help feeling this way. I even know you don't like the letters either, but I kinda understand
why all those girls write them. It's not much about you reaching out to them after. It's about how
calming it feels to just let all those thoughts out of your head.

Today you smiled at me. Me, among all that people. You just did it out of politeness, but my heart
doesn't know that.
I saw you looking at the window for a little while in class, and I thought that whatever was in your
head was not related to me. And it's fine, really. I'm okay with it.
When you're someone like me
you learn from a very early time in life that people like me are the ones that dream of others and
not the ones being dreamed.

I don't know if all this will ever go away, but while I'm waiting, I'll tell you what brought me here
first. Not in this letter, but in others, of course. I knew I wanted to write this, and I wasn't sure
about giving this to you, but I'm sure you would never read this. This is just a sick way to pretend
I'm getting closer to you, and as I do so, show you my feelings.

Hope you had a nice day??? I'm sorry, I have no idea how these letters are supposed to go.


XOXO || NONGKUN/KUNNONGΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα