Chapte One: The Mob

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Here I am, I thought, as I stood looking out the floor to ceiling window in the tallest tower. The only one that looked out over most of the kingdom. I've finally done it. I can say that I've taken over the world!

I watched as the farmers tilled the crops. It was such a peaceful place to be. I could get lost in my thoughts watching the scenery go by on the high tech window that was set to change every ten minutes to a different area, unless I programmed it otherwise.

Today, as I stared off into the changing window scene, I thought about all those years ago; when I made the promise to do this. To take over the world. Or whatever was left of it at that point. (assuming something were to happen). No one ever thought I had it in me. Little did they know I could be a fair ruler.

"Your majesty," I turned to see one of the castle servants. I groaned inwardly. As much as being queen made me feel accomplished, I still dreaded when the palace servants came to me. It usually meant that something was wrong, and I would have to fix it.

"What is it?" I asked trying to keep the contempt from seeping into my voice. After all, it wasn't the servant's fault I had something to do.

"You have a visitor waiting," the servant said.

"Did they happen to say who they were? Or what they wanted?" Today was Saturday, and I usually took Saturdays as my day of doing nothing. Sundays were always packed with something, as was the rest of the week, so I took off Saturdays as compensation for them.

"He did, actually..." the servant paused. I waited for him to elaborate, but he didn't.

"But? What aren't you telling me?" I pressed.

He flinched at my tone. "He-he said he was an old friend, but that he couldn't tell me his name," he finally stuttered out.

"Old friend?" I muttered. I went through a mental list of people who would actually want to come talk to me. I could count them on my hands. "What did he look like?"

"He was smaller than you. W-with grey eyes that shifted in the light. And he had dark hair and skin."

I cringed at the description. I knew exactly who this was. William Hinojosa. He was the one whom I had chosen to rule the eastern hemisphere. After all, I couldn't be on both sides of the world at one time, so I enlisted his help. He was like the nanny of Eurasia considering Africa, Australia, and every other continent could pretty much survive so long as they were checked on every so often. Kind of like the teens of the world family; they could be left alone, but every so often needed to be checked on.

"Send him in," I said finally, waving my hand.

I turned my attention back to the window, and this time I saw a city.

A moment later, he walked in with the same arrogant confidence I remembered. "What do you want?" I asked.

"I can't just come to visit?" he asked with mock offense at the accusation. But I could tell that he had other things on his mind. Something was wrong, otherwise he wouldn't have come all this way.

"No. Bad news always follows in your wake. What is it this time?"

"This," he said walking over the window controller. He started swiping through areas until he came upon a scene with hundreds of thousands of people in a field.

"Where is that?" It was like watching the crowd at a concert move forward. It was a mass of bodies. They were all moving toward the horizon, and on it was a small, black, smudge.

"That, your majesty, is a field. And it just so happens that it's only about 15 hours from your palace. Which is that little smudge, right there," he said as he pointed to the screen.

"What are they doing?" panic rose in my throat, and as much as I tried to keep it out of my voice, it was still there.

"It's an uprising, Lydia," he said addressing me with my actual name, and not just 'Your majesty'.

"B-but why? What have I done to make them want to do that?" I asked, continuing to be horrified at what I was witnessing.

"That's not what has to be asked. It's what you haven't done that has to be questioned. when was the last time they saw you and not just a royal messenger? When was the last time you actually went outside?" he questioned.

"I-I'm not sure. I guess it's been a while," I turned away from him, looking at my pale hands. The ones that haven't seen the light of day in years.

"Lyd, you have a duty. You conquered the world, and now you have to rule it," he said gently.

"I know. I know. It's just..." I trailed off thinking about the mess I created myself. When I was in the seventh grade, I was in charge of five people for a group project, and we failed it. I don't know why I thought any of this would be a good idea. The only thing that propelled me to do what I did was to show people I could do it. Prove that I could do it.

"It's just what?" he asked slowly walking back over to the center of the room with me.

"When all of this happened, I was only thinking of the present... I wasn't thinking about the long term consequences of what would happen," I paused. "I honestly never thought I would actually be able to do it. I'm not even sure how I did it."

"You did it because you are a good leader. You're the person people will follow," he told me gently.

"Well if that's true, then what are they so upset about?" I asked walking to the window. "Why are they upset? Have you heard anything about this?"

"I'm not sure what their problem is. They're just peasants-"

"Peasants who have it better than the poor did before I came to power," I interjected. This was something I prided myself on.

"Yes," he rubbed his beard stubble. "I have an idea on how to solve this situation."

"How?" I asked.

"You need to make a public appearance," he said giving me a once over. I was wearing sweat pants, a baggy t-shirt, and I was in just my socks. "But not looking like this."

"Right. Wouldn't want them to know how I prefer to dress," I said sarcastically.

"Let's see, today is Saturday. And it's about five o'clock," he looked at his watch, "So tonight we will give you a make over so that you will at the very least look presentable to them. And then, you will win them over with a speech, and ba bam! Instant peace!"

"I-I don't know, William. What if it doesn't work?"

"Trust me. Have I ever steered you wrong before?" he asked, a mischievous twinkle in his eye and smile played on his face.

I gave in. "Fine. What do I have to do?"

"I'm so glad you asked."

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