A Peace Treaty

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Katsuki Bakugou

Old books and dusty scrolls line the walls of a dank study. An ember crudely lit and attached to the back wall reveals a tall figure with ash blonde hair, resembling that of an explosion, hunched over a wooden desk littered with old parchment.

Prince Bakugou sat slouched, his shoulders slipping downward in his seat, a posture his royal advisor Iida would most certainly deem inappropriate behavior for a prince. However, Bakugou lacked any and all concern for manners as his crimson eyes begrudgingly scanned over the document his mother, the Queen of Younvic, had so avidly insisted he memorize.

The document itself was a peace treaty signed between the rulers of Koning and Younvic six generations before Queen Mitsuki's current reign. The demands on Younvic's side of this treaty mostly had to do with Koning's surplus of natural resources. Talking about what portions of outcome would be given to Younvic and what not; however the part that was souring Bakugou's mood was Koning's single demand of his kingdom.

The demand was written quote, "In return for Koning's economical help, the monarch currently ruling over the land, now known as Younvic, must send the current heir of said monarch to live within the household ruling over Koning. The duration of said stay shall be set for the thirty day time frame following the child's 16th birthday." End quote.

Bakugou stared at the last sentence with a skeptical look in his eyes. "Of all the fucking things they could ask for why that? What benefit comes from having a future king running around your castle for a month?" He questioned, an annoyed expression coming to his face.

Bakugou continued to squint at the document his mind drawing a blank on any reasoning behind the demand. "Maybe they had planned to assassinate that old guy while he was on his visit, but decided not to, out of fear." He smirked at this thought. Bakugou liked the idea that every kingdom feared Younvic's merciless army. Of course Bakugou knew this wasn't the case as it stood against every moral that shitty kingdom claimed to have.

"They wouldn't have the balls to even think about assassination with there fucking 'Vow Of Peace' that they love so much. I mean stick it up your ass you bunch of pussies." He thought angrily crumpling the ends of the parchment. "Still they must have some kind of reasoning behind this demand, but what could they possibly want with an heir?"

As he was thinking, a large figure barged into the quiet study slamming the door behind them. Bakugou looked up to see his mother queen Mitsuki arms crossed, her spiked blonde hair flattened slightly by a golden crown that sat atop her head. "How's the studying going Katsuki?" She asked moving her hands to her hips, a look of mild curiosity spread across her face.

"What do you really want, old hag?" Katsuki asked his voices tinged with annoyance.

Mitsuki's brows furrowed in aggression as she stormed her way towards her son. "HEY, THAT IS NO WAY TO SPEAK TO YOUR MOTHER YOU, DAMN BRAT!" The queen scolded slapping her son across the head for his defiance.

Katsuki bolted out of his seat and held up the document, crinkling it in anger. "THIS IS JUST A SHITTY WAY OF REMINDING ME I'M TURNING SIXTEEN ANYWAY!" Bakugou shouted "WHY DONT YOU JUST PACK ME UP AND SEND ME AWAY ALREADY YOU FUCKING COWARD!"

"I SWEAR TO GOD YOU LITTLE SHIT..." Mitsuki's avid cursing was quickly cut off by a knocking on the door to the study. Queen Mitsuki straightened herself, dusting off the front of her royal garb and adjusting her lopsided crown before saying a curt 'come in' to the door. The door slowly opened to reveal a small shy boy with a head of messy green hair and shining freckles a look of fear and determination plastered across his face.

"Queen Mitsuki, the prince's personal items have been packed away everyone is ready for his leave," Midoriya said bowing curtly before his superiors.

"So the old hag really is sending me away! God dammit my birthday isn't for another two days, why the fuck am I leaving so god damn early?! Stupid fucking hag, stupid fucking treaty," Bakugou thought scowling at the piece of parchment now crushed in his hands, "When I'm king I'll destroy this useless peace treaty and destroy Koning entirely!" Bakugou smirked silently to this thought. Bakugou quickly replaced his smirk with a scowl as he dropped the parchment back onto the table. He then proceeded to slam his chair back into his desk and storm out of the royal study, leaving a very angry queen and confused page in his wake.

Bakugou stomped up the stairs of the castles main tower cursing the stupid treaty, "That stupid treaty with its pointless demands! When I'm king I'll make sure these shitty 'Kirishimas' don't make it to the next generation!" He stopped suddenly as an idea washed over him. A smirk formed across his face as he continued up the tower to his bedroom. Once he reached his bedroom he thought back to his previous plan of destroying Koning once he became king. Now another thought came to his mind making him grin.

"Who said I had to wait?"

A/N: If you have questions just comment what you want clarified or need explained.

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