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Katsuki Bakugou

Bakugou was now walking down a hallway trailing behind an overly enthusiastic red haired prince. Queen Kirishima had instructed that the red head give Bakugou a tour of the castle. The red head had begun the tour by encouraging him to ask questions if he needed anything. Katsuki had scoffed at this, thinking it unlikely that the idiot before him could know anything he didn't. However, there was one thing he'd been itching to ask ever since the beginning of the tour.

"What the fuck is wrong with your sister?" He asked, causing the redhead to stop in his tracks.

The redhead turned to face the blonde prince, a look of confusion plastered onto his face. "What do you mean?" He asked.

Bakugou tched in response obviously annoyed by the question. "You know what I mean. Her wife." He said, placing air quotes around the word 'wife', "What's that about? Two women can't make an heir. There's no point in marriage if you can't have children." The redheaded prince winced in response, clearly taken aback by the blondes statement.

After a moment of recovery Kirishima finally spoke, "Well not necessarily," He stated simply.

This confused the blonde which in turn angered him even more. "Well what's the point in marriage unless your getting something out of it?!" He snapped.

"Well, you see, uh, Koning marriage is a bit.... different than Younvic's."

Bakugou rolled his eyes at this. "No duh genius! In Younvic a princess would have been sold into an arranged marriage with a wealthy man before she could even think of marrying another woman."

"Well you see here in Koning we marry each other for love you know?" Kirishima said, smiling at Bakugou.

"LOVE?!?! What is this a fairy tale? People don't marry for love they marry for power, and children to pass that power onto. Marrying for love is like a butterfly trying to reach the sun. Pointless and a waste of its time, it should just come back to earth and eat flowers and do what it's supposed to do."

"Sounds like bullshit to me. I mean why would somebody want to marry for love? How do you arrange a marriage through love?" He said, mocking the redhead's use of the word he did not understand. This mockery received a small snort from the other prince as he tried to contain his laughter.

"Um....that's...the point," He said, in between small bits of laughter. He took a moment to compose himself before speaking once again. "We don't do arranged marriages anymore. You know ever since my great, great, great, great..." He trailed of for a second, counting his fingers as if looking for the  right number of greats.

Bakugou felt himself staring at the boy's actions. "How stupid do you have to be? He looks so fucking confused! I mean it's not even that hard! Just count how many generations you've had in your family since whoever your talking about died, and then take away 2 to account for the two generations you don't put a great in front of! It's not that fucki-." His thoughts where cut off by a sudden burst of laughter. The prince re-focused his attention to the now laughing male before him. "His laugh is so cute." He thought, admiring the redhead's loud chuckling. He brushed this thought away from his mind as he watched Kirishima once again steady himself.

"I'm sorry. I was taking to long with that wasn't I?" He said, smiling nervously and rubbing the nape of his neck. "Alright let me start over. So about 700 years ago Chikara Kirishima led a revolution to end the corruption in Koning. So you know she kills the king, goes through some stuff, makes the kingdom ruled more by the people than the actual royal family, blah blah blah you know the story." He said, motioning to Bakugou slightly as he sat on one of the castle windowsills. "And so everyone's happy with this. Koning allows all people to live in prosperity and peace, so on and so forth. However, a couple years back, my great grandmother made a peace treaty with the Eirian tribe that's located to the east of our castle. While on this expedition of peace, she started to learn about the Eirianian's marital practices. You see they believe that marriage is about combining two souls into one, and creating a eternal bond between you and your partner. Meaning that marriage has nothing to do with mortal bodies, it has more to do with the love one feels for another. And if those two souls both have vaginas then so be it!" He said happily, "My grandmother really liked this idea, and she decided to integrate this form of marriage into Koning. And here we are!" He finished winded from the amount of explanation had just given.

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