An Important Visitor

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Eijiro Kirishima


Prince Eijiro woke up with a start, flinging his golden embroidered sheets across his bedroom. This caused a flower vase to fall to the ground shattering immediately. Eijiro's lady-in-waiting Mina Ashido shook her head as if unamused with the prince's actions.

"Really Kirishima, that's the third vase this week," She said, as she prepared Eijiro's formal wear, "With this kind of streak, how will you every find someone to marry?" She joked, pulling out a blue tailcoat and white undershirt.

Kirishima sat up in his bed raising an eyebrow as he examined Mina's choice in clothing. "What's with the formal wear?" He asked, jumping out of bed.

Mina spun herself around and stared at a very confused Kirishima. Mina calmly placed the clothes on the vanity next to her as she stepped forward, delicately placing her hands on Kirishima's shoulders.

"Kirishima please tell me you didn't forget about the very important visitor that holds the future of our kingdom in the palm of his hands and is consequently visiting later today?"

"If I say I didn't will you stop squeezing my shoulders?"

"KIRISHIMA! This tradition has been in your family for six generations! It helps to keep peace with one of the most violent kingdoms in the seven nations, is one of the only reasons Koning has been able to thrive for so long, and is the only thing keeping the entirety of magical society from collapsing underneath the Bakugous' boots," She says pulling him in by his collar,

"Mina calm down," Kirishima said, slowly moving her hands away from his collar, "It's not like I'm late, I can still get ready and everything! Besides I won't even be talking that much, that's my dad's job. All I gotta do is show their prince around our castle! How hard can that be?" he questioned a bright smile spread across his face.

Mina sighed reluctantly returning to his formal attire. "Yeah, yeah all you gotta do is lead a tour for the most violent and short tempered prince in the history of princes. Not hard at all,"She mumbles sarcastically.

Kirishima smiles at this. Feeling his attempt at defusing the situation was successful, he continued to prepare for this "important visitor." Really Kirishima didn't understand why Mina was making such a big deal about it. Yes, the Bakugous' visit was an important part of his family's tradition, but it's not as if he was in charge of it. As he had said before it was his father's job to make sure the initial meeting with Queen Mitsuki went well enough to allow Prince Katsuki to stay in their castle for the next month. All Eijiro had to do during this meeting was not look like a complete idiot; which, to be fair, was a little bit of a challenge.

He looked at his best friend as she prepared his outfit an even brighter smile finding a home on his lips. Then he remembered the broken vase sitting on the floor next to his bed, and frantically began attempting to pick up what was left of the flower arrangement.

Mina turned to him and snorted at the sight of Kirishima frantically looking around on his hands and knees. "No need to worry Kirishima, I can clean that up later, but first you need to get ready," she said helping him up and handing him his clothes. Mina then turned around and left the room closing the door behind her.

Kirishima sighed as he looked at the mess of flowers still scattered on his floor. He picked one of the roses up and twirled it in his fingers watching the light from his window dance across the soft petals.

"Maybe this Katsuki guy won't be so bad," he thought setting the flower on the windowsill."Maybe he'll like it here. Or what if he likes me? Oh we could be best friends, I could show him how to make flower crowns, he could show me how to decapitate a guy with only a spear," He thought, changing into his blue formal attire. He looked at himself in the vanity mirror adjusting a small silver head piece around his spiked hair. "I wonder what time they're showing up?"

"Now presenting the King and Queen of Younvic!"

"FUCK!" He yells, "When did they get here? How long have I been changing? What time even is it? Does my hair even look good? Fuck Kirishima, how did you mess up this badly?!" He thought, freaking out, until he heard the laughter coming from outside his bedroom door.

Kirishima swung the door open and looked down to find the two palace guards Kaminari and Sero rolling with laughter. Kirishima waited for them to stop laughing before he spoke, "And what are the two of you bozos doing outside my door? Shouldn't you be protecting the castle?" He questioned, using his best disappointed look.

Kaminari looked at Kirishima with puppy dog eyes, "Oh come on your highness," He said in a mocking tone, "Won't you find the pity in your cruel heart to forgive us?" He asked pouting, his bottom lip sticking out like a child who couldn't have what they wanted, puppy dog eyes on full blast.

"Oh, yes please pity us, your oh so amazingness. For we are but stupid common folk with no understanding of your intellectual greatness," Sero added his hands held together as if in a prayer.

Kirishima chuckled slightly at the routine the two preformed any time they did something even slightly untraditional. Sero and Kaminari didn't care that Kirishima had more money and power than they did, they also didn't care about the fact that Kirishima could technically have them both killed at any moment. All that mattered in their eyes was that Kirishima was their friend, and this was one of the many reasons these two were in charge of protecting Kirishima's tower.

Kirishima's smile suddenly vanished as he remembered what had initially freaked him out. "Do you know when the Bakugous will be arriving?" Kirishima asked worry plastered across his face.

Sero and Kaminari quieted shaking their heads in response. Kirishima looked at the two and sighed, straightening his cape as he hurried down the spiraled staircase. As he headed towards the castles dining room, he let his mind wander back to the visitors coming to his kingdom soon, when he noticed a butterfly land on one of the flower vases decorating a table pushed against a wall.

"Well hello little guy!" Kirishima said enthusiastically addressing the small creature. "How'd you get in here my tiny bro?"

The butterfly flapped it's wings in response, moving across the vase.

Kirishima looked over his shoulder and then stuck his hand out towards the butterfly. "Hey, I'm sure I can find you some flowers to drink or something. If you want you can come with me to breakfast or something," The butterfly fluttered slightly before landing quaintly onto Kirishima's waiting hand.

Kirishima smiled at this and continued down the hallway his new little bro securely fastened to his pointer finger. As Kirishima walked, he began to examine the small butterfly. It had a mainly black body and wingspan with the exception of a bright orange that bordered the edges of the butterflies wings.

"Hey you gotta a name little guy?" Kirishima asked as if expecting an answer from the small creature. It flapped it's wings seemingly imitating what looked to Kirishima to be an explosion. "How about S'plods? Boom? Orangey? Oh! Maybe, hmm," he thought seemingly putting a lot of thought into the name, "How about Lil' Dude? Yeah Lil' Dude, that's great!" He laughs looking at his new buddy with a smile, "Well then Lil' Dude we should be heading off to our royal princely duties," He says starting back down the hallway.

Little did he know "Lil' Dude" had a little secret to keep.

A/N: If you have questions just comment what you want clarified or need explained.

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