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Tenya Iida

Tenya Iida was on high alert, as he walked alongside the line of royal carriages.

"Hopefully Katsuki isn't thinking of doing anything disloyal of the Kirishimas." He thought, as he walked beside Bakugou's carriage. "Perhaps we should cancel the event, or send more supervision to-." However before he could finish forming his thoughts, he heard a slight chuckle come from Bakugou's royal carriage. "Huh!?! Katsuki?"

Iida looked into the side window of the carriage only for him to see a completely horrifying sight. Bakugou sat, eyes glowing a shade of orange, with a smile perched upon his lips. Iida's eyes widened in surprise, "He never smiles. The closest he's gotten to a show of happiness is smirking and this is very clearly a smile. I must make sure he isn't under a curse of some kind," He thought.

"Sir Katsuki?"

At this the Prince sat up, the orange glow fading from his eyes, the smile being replaced with a scowl. "Yes?" He asked, venom tainting his voice.

"What kind of magic was that?"

Bakugou's scowl grew in size as he answered, "It was just a simple levitation spell you dip shit. I'm practicing for their magic training, you where the one who told me I should practice my magic weren't you?" He asked, seemingly annoyed by the blue haired boys very existence.

"Oh, well I'm glad to hear you have taken my advice to heart," he replied, earning a 'tch' from Bakugou. "In other news, your mother wanted me to inform you that we will be arriving in less than two hours."

"Whatever." He said rolling his eyes, "Was there anything else?"

"No, that is all sir," Iida replied, watching as Bakugou's eyes began to glow once again. He backed away from the still moving carriage, to leave Bakugou in peace. Still slightly confused onto why the Prince had been smiling he continued down the road in deep thought.

"I should check up on Midoriya. This is his first mission as a page after all, he may need some guidance," Iida thought, sprinting along the dirt road towards the King and Queen's carriage. He looked around for a moment before spotting a tuft of green hair flopping in the wind. Iida approaches the hair, to find it attached to a very anxious looking boy who was mumbling to himself.

"Hello Midoriya, what seems to be the issue?" Iida asked.

"Oh hi Iida, it's just I'm kind of worried about the meeting with the Kirishima's today. I mean what if something happens to the King and Queen? Or what if Kacchan offends the Kirishimas in some way? Or what if I'm not good enough to protect Kacchan? After all, I'm not technically a knight yet. Or-." Iida raised his hand, signaling for the green haired boy to stop talking.

"I understand your concern Midoriya, but I would advice you not to worry so much about it. I've been teaching Katsuki about Koning's cultural practices for weeks now, so him offending the Kirishimas is highly unlikely," He states bluntly, before switching to a more reassuring tone, "And you need to remember, King and Queen Bakugou are putting all there faith in you to watch over Katsuki and keep him out of trouble. Therefore they must see something in you that is worthy of being his personal protection."

As he heard this, the page's nervous posture was soon replaced with a hopeful smile and proud stance. "Thanks Iida you always know how to make me see things clearly."

"Well that is my job as a royal advisor," Iida said, receiving a small chuckle from Midoriya.

Iida watched as his friend walked farther down the dirt road catching up to the Queen's royal carriage, when his gut told him something was off. It was the kind of gut feeling you get when you forget to do something important; however he just could not remember what he had forgotten to do.

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