Dusty Dramatics

87 16 35

Kyoka Jiro

They were arguing again.

The King and Queen.

They'd been arguing for months now. It was always about the same thing.

"Is it really the best idea to have one of the Bakugous in our kingdom while they're just on the edge of war with Masidonia? Especially the child! He could be planning to hurt Eijiro!" The Queen, would always start the conversation with worry.

"Darling that's why this meeting is so important, perhaps we can teach their prince about the importance of peace!" The king would try to calm her worries.

"I understand your heart is in the right place, but please think about Tazi! What if he tries to hurt her? Or what if he hurts Gamu or Teshima? They only recently got married!" But Queen Yuri would continue to worry.

"I'm sorry, but we can't just call off a tradition this important just because we are worried about war!"

This would go on and on for hours until one of them would decide that they needed to cool down and walk away from the situation.

Jiro could tell they were trying to hide their concern from their children, especially Gamu. She was still recovering from the stress of planning a wedding. They didn't wanna add a possibly murderous prince on top of that. However, it was nearly impossible to keep it from Jiro as she was assigned to be at the queen's side at most times of the day. She had learned to ignore the constant bickering, opting instead to continue cleaning the hallway around the royals' bedroom. That's when she heard the bell that signaled for the servants breakfast.

"I'll be off my queen! If you need anything just let me know!" She hollered.

After hearing a soft 'ok' from the other side of the door, she headed off towards the kitchen. She walked for a while before she finally reached the dining area. Through there she headed straight into the kitchen. Inside she saw a large human man wearing a white apron, placing a tray of cookies into the oven. Beside him curdling a large bowl of cheese was a blonde, elven boy wearing a v-like smile.

"Well hello Jiro!" Sato said, dusting off his apron, "Here for breakfast, I presume?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yep, what dish did you guys botch today?" She asked, smirking. She knew how much pride each of them took in their cooking, and always found it fun to poke fun at people.

Aoyama abruptly stood up from his work looking offended. "Well, I never! And I was just about to offer you some of my new cheese recipe!" He said dramatically.

Jiro chuckled slightly at this, knowing Sparkle Boy would most likely be forcing her to try it in less than a few minutes.

"Well, I'm glad your happy, because I for one am absolutely devastated!" He exclaimed, dramatically putting his hand to his forehead.

"And you wonder where Tazi gets her flair for the dramatics?" She asked, sarcastically.

Aoyama held his chest as though her words had brought physical pain upon his body. Looking to Jiro with pain in his purple eyes. This only caused Sato and Jiro to erupt into hysterical laughter, Sato nearly crying from the amount of pain he experienced in his stomach.

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