Chapter 3 - Acceptance

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----------------Dark's P.O.V.------------

I watched the cat on my desk as he walked over to a picture of me and Anti at his birthday last year. Sean had set up a surprise party that scared the shit out of him. We ended up sitting in his favorite tree and Marvin somehow took a picture.

Sam looked sadly at the photo. His ears flattened and he curled into a ball. "Sam.." I sadis reaching out my hand catching his attention. "Come here." He stood up walking to me and sitting down.

"What did Marvin do to you?" He blinked in response. "Oh Sam, what happened?" He hissed as if reminding me he couldn't talk. "Sorry." I pet under his chin and he started purring.

"Well are you a sweetheart." Bing said walking in.

"Fuck off." I chuckled holding Sam to my chest.

---------------Jackie's P.O.V.-----------------

He wouldn't admit it but he was worried. He hadn't seen Anti all day and the others didn't seem to notice he was missing. Chase was the only one who shared his fears. 

Jackie was going on 'patrol' every ten minutes, helping with a few crimes here and there. His main objective, however, was finding Anti. 

~Time skip~

I had been searching for hours when I finally showed up at Markiplier manor. As much as I hated the egos I had to find Anti.        

I knocked on the door as I saw a shadow moving around inside. Dark answered looking like someone told him a thousand year old joke. He kept glancing at the couch.

"What the fuck do you want?" He said looking at the couch again.

"Someone is pissed." I pointed out.

"What do you want?" He growled.

"I was wondering if you knew where Anti was. I haven't seen him all day and i'm starting to get worried."

He glanced at the couch again. "And why do you care?"

"Dark, he's my brother."

He sighed and seemed to think about it.

"I did see him but I know he doesn't want to see you." He said crossing his arms.

"So he's here?" I asked my voice filled with hope.

"He was here, now he's not. So leave." He said glancing at the couch again.

"Alright Dark that's enough. What the fuck is on that couch?" I shouted pushing him aside and stomping over to the couch to see a terrified cat. 

It was all black with one blue eye and one green eye. It was rather skinny with a black collar. The dog tag on the collar was a septiceye with SAM written on the back.

"What the fuck?"

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