Watermelon Queen

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Aight, lets start this shit since I have the smallest amount of creative insperation

Kaminari, Sero, Mina, and Kirishima walked around me, screaming "Hail the Watermelon Queen!" As I sat in a chair, a hollowed out watermelon crown on my head. I gave up questioning them after they started saying that "The Watermelon Queen" doesn't speak to lowley peasants such as them. I hoped for someone to come save me from these dumbasses, and felt a rush of relief as I heard someone coming. No, two. Two people.

Even better, more help, the so-called peasants definetly would start whining and wanting me to stay. I saw the two that had come over and felt my face turn red. It was Momo. And of course Todoroki. Damn him, course Momo is dating him, she's the straightest girl I know. While I'm gay as hell. They looked up and saw the chaos unfolding in the Common room. I silently mouthed the words "Help me," I had been sitting here for three hours. How the hell nobody had seen this in that span of time is a mystery, I heard people get close to coming a while ago, then turning away. Probaly felt the chaos and didn't want to get involved with it.

don't blame 'em.

The pair came over, obviously confused by the scene in front of them "Could anyone please explain what is happening here?" Momo asked. All of the stupid peasants started saying random things as to not get in trouble, it went on for so long I eventually butted in and told her, with my face feeling damn hot "They were having a watermelon eating contest and forced me to join. I won apparently, and was never told I would have to sit here with a watermelon dunce cap, if anyone had to wear a dunce hat of anykind, it should be fucking Kaminari, the damn idiot deserves it."

Kaminari immediately started complaining "You know that when we have a contest, the winner has something happen to them! It's basically tradition for us! And I would not wear a dunce cap!" He was moving his hands up and down, as if he was hitting an invisible table.

"Either way, Kaminari, you guys should've let Jirou go after at most thirty minutes," Todoroki told him in his usual, quiet boy way. Even if Momo had the slightest chance of being bisexual, how the fuck would I compete with him? Or almost anyone? I wouldn't. And she doesn't like girls!

Yo, iTs fUcKin, lIkE, TwO iN tHe mOrNiN oR sHiT, I dUnNo, dIdNT cHeCk tImE bUt lIkE, dAyUm, aNyWaYs, ByE gReMlInEs

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