You Gay Mess.

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"Oh god, i'm so sorry Yaomomo! I was thinking and messed up and forgot there were people here, god dammit!"

I couldn't help the flush of red covering my face, i shook my head and covered my face with my hands. I moved my hand a small bit to see Mina grab a small peice of paper and write, as big as she could "PRETTY HOMO FOR MOMO."

"Jirou, are you okay?" Momo asked

I took a deep breathe and put a hand on my hip, waving the other in the air as I said in the most normal way I could,

"Just fine! Why do you ask? There's nothing wrong with me! I'm the good ol' Jirou everyone knows, haha" My voice cracked at the end and I winced. Momo leaned down and looked at me, her face barely an inch away.

"You're face seems quite red, are you sure you're not sick?" She asked, putting a hand on my forehead.

"You're burning hot too."

"Fine! Perfect! Amazing! I have to go!" I stated loudly, turning and sheilding the side of my face with one hand. As I passed Mina I grabbed her by the sweater she was wearing and dragged her away to my room as she desperetley cried for me to let her go.

"What the fuck, Mina! Why'd you write that on the goddamn paper! You asshole!" I shouted, giving her a shove

"I was helping you out! Anyways, it was funny..." She said with a small chuckle, pokeing her two pointer fingers together.

"I hate you with all my heart." I gurmbled, flopping down on my bed

"C'mon Jirou! You know as good as I do that it was amazing watching you panic. As soon as you and Momo start dating, I'm making your sad gay ass a shirt that says exactly what the paper says. I'll get Momo one that matches! You'll be gay and happy then!" Mina babbled

"Fuck you, dammit." I growled, shoving my face into my pillow

"You wish you could~" She said, placing a left facing finger gun under her chin "Oh wait! I forgot your saving that for Homo Yaoyorozu!"

"Dammit Mina! Get out of here!" I snapped, sitting up.

"Aight, im out! Dont wanna ruin my ship with myself you know!"

I m s o r r i f o r h a v i n g s h o r t c h a p t e r s a n d n o t u p d a t i n g f o r a  w h i l e , i h a d a c o l d.

Being Gay Is Great | MomojirouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora