Tea Time

739 23 28

Jirou p.o.v

As we were seated I looked around, it was a fairly small cafe and it wasn't crowded. I like smaller stores, they're always peaceful and quiet, perfect conditions to make up random songs, sometimes even just doodle on paper.

"Hey, Momo? how'd you find this place? I only came here because Denki texted me the location and well...You," I asked, rubbing the back of my neck

Momo grinned, saying "Well, it's not that hard to find if you just look around. It stands out pretty nicely! You might just have a pea brain, Kyo."

"I do not! We all know the dumbest person in the class isn't me!" I grumbled, crossing my arms

"I guess that's true, you may or may not actually be near the top. Or the middle? Somewhere around that range," Momo said.

I looked at the ground for a moment, blinking for a minute "Think it'd be cool if I asked you a maybe weird question?" I asked

"Go ahead, I don't really have anything to say,"

"You know Sero's elbow tape or whatever? Okay, so, does stuff get stuck on his tape, and whenever he pulls his tape back does it just,  I dunno, go in his elbow? Does he have to clean his tape or something?"


"Jirou, are you on crack or something? How do you think of that? You're hurting my brain, which you shouldn't be able to do." Momo looked at me dead serious and as I started sputtering to reply, she burst out laughing.

"You're stupid, but it's adorable! I honestly just wanna know how you thought of that, though I guess he would have to? Don't wanna imagine how that feels though...bleck." Momo stuck her tongue out to emphisise how she hated the thought of how something going through her elbow would feel, her face was dusted with a slight blush.

My face, on the other hand, was probably red as a beet, only thing in my mind was-

'You dumb gay bitch, say something, you. are. acting. gay. just say something! she called you adorable but get past that shit! act like a fucking square brain if you have to, just say something you dumbass!'

"Heh, yeah! P-probably hurts like hell!" My eyes darted across the room as I tried to fucking not act like a  sm o l  b r a i  n.

we continue tea time later

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