Momo the scammer of Gays

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Jirou's P.O.V

Me and Momo spent about thiry more minutes talking in the cafe, i apparently wasn't being stupidly gay.

Momo was though, the damn bitch knows, because if she didn't she wouldn't have been trying to fucking kill me.

After we had left the cafe, wanna know what she said? "See you later, cutie!" Then waved, smiled, and walked away like it was nothing.

Now that I think about it, she can pass off as bisexual or something.

I stamped my foot on the ground and grumbled "Damn Momo, been scammin' the gays for months!" then covered my face with my hands, and screamed.

Screaming is fun. Helps a lot. Screaming till you are physically unable to is also fun, which is why I am.

I walk out of my room and down to the kitchen, because I have nothing better to do.

I turn the corner and go to the fridge, rooting through it to find a Coke since it's superior to Pepsi. I hear footsteps from behind me as I finally found one and took a long sip. Whoever it was turned the corner.

"Hey Cutie! How've you been since our date?" Momo said.

I choked on my drink, hitting my chest as I coughed and tried to clear my throught

This bitch has the audacity to do this shit to me? Im finna throw hands, probably to hug her but-

"M-Momo what the hell-" I said, hardly able to breathe at this point.

She patted me on the back, with a quick "Sorry, Kyo! I was just joking, didn't really think...Well, it is you... I feel less smart now, Jesus Christ." Momo shook her head.

"Well, you kinda should! You think my dumbass aint gonna act stupid?" I joked, taking another long sip outta the c o  k e

"To be honest, no, you arnt normally this stupid. Then again...You." She said, then chuckled, leaning her arm against me as an arm rest or something.

"Bitch," I grumbled

"I'd be offended, if I didn't know how you think of me~" Momo said with a wink.

I immedietly turned red, followed by cackles from Momo and a pink b i t c h that had appeared from nowhere

Mina was wheezing and I mean it. She was leaning against a wall, trying to say something, but not being able to get the words out. After a full minute she was hardly able to say.

"I-I....*wheeze* told h-her to...say..that-" Then collapsing on the ground contining to cackle and full blown just die on the floor.

"You bitch!" I say stomping over and giving her a slight jab to the ribs.

Momo, who was also laughing said "Leave her be, she's already suffering!" she gestured the the raccoon lookin' rat dyin' on the floor.

"You are so fucking lucky Mina. Next time, i'm going to play the most fucking annoying song ever on my guitar, you'll be sorry then!" I threatend, snatching my Coke and walking towards the living area, still fuming.

I plopped myself on the couch and watched Kitchen Nightmares on full volume, hoping the two girls would hear all the damn curses that are now the only words in my dictionary.

((Top Momo is my religion, so like- *smaccs lips* ye

I've kinda been really busy so sorry about the slower updates!))

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