Threatened by a fucking hottie

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Jirou's P.O.V
I panicked for a second, then shook my head. I saw her waving towards me and over.

"H-hey Yaomomo! What're you doing here?" I asked, probably looking like a mess.

'I forgot I was wearing this shirt, oh lord, this was why Denki said 'dress as gay as you want'. ' I thought, internally panicking.

"Denki said to show up here and suprise you, I had nothing important to finish and decided it would be fun, Seems i'm not wrong!" She said with a chuckle.

My face flushed as I nervously rubbed the back of my head. "Jeez, why couldn't you just go behind his back and tell me-" I grumbled.

Momo suddenly leaned her head in, looking at my shirt. I started panicking again, y'know, like a gay dumbass.

"Where'd you get the shirt?" Momo asked with a grin, catching Jirou off guard.

"I-I, u-um-...Hottopic-" I said quickly, tapping my earjacks together nervously.

"You always get your shirts there, don't you? Everytime we've gone to a mall i've only really ever seen you go there,"

" It's one of the few good stores in malls," I shrugged, trying not to show the amount of tremendus gayness flooding my face.

"I'm going to tell Mina to drag you to the mall with her and ban you from even looking in the genral direction of  Hot topic," Momo joked with a smile.

"You best not! I won't survive a second of all the goddamn 'oh lets go here!' and, 'Oh, lets go there!' Bullshit." I sighed, looking up at the taller girl, crossing my arms.

"Well, if you come into the cafe with me, then I'll spare you of Mina's 'bullshit',"

I clicked my tongue "Whats this, the mighty Momo threating me?"

Momo shrugged, "What can I say, I wanna go into the cafe with my faveriot person, and I wont hesitate to tell Mina,"

"Sly dog, guess I don't got a choice- not like i'd say no-" I said, looking at Momo, her face was a light shade of red as she grinned.

"Great! Onward!" She said, taking Jirou's hand and dragging her into the cafe.

"Being threatened by a hottie isn't so bad-"

school making me lose my sanity

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