Usless lesbiab

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EmoBitch: what do you need now

brainbefried: what do u meeeaaan

EmoBitch: you only text ne when you need a favor or something


brainbefried:  N O P E im doin u a favor, my sad gay child uWu

EmoBitch: Tf you mean by that

brainbefried: You'll seeeeeeee

brainbefried:Go to that one new cafe at bouttttt 4  dress as gay as you desire, just look nice

I flopped down on my bed, looking at the text

"This idiot wouldn't text me if he wanted to me to buy him coffee, he'd just annoy me until I did. The hell is he planning?" I mumbled to myself. I looked at the time, then at the now fixed door. 1 pm. Gotta wait just a few hours

I pushed myself up with a huff, stretching my arms before going through my closet. I found a pair of ripped skinny jeans that a threw onto my bed as I kept searching for a decent shirt to wear. After about ten minutes, I found a shirt that said "Be gay, do crime" on it, I found it funny and threw it on the bed too.

"I'll change late, I have time on my side for once in my life," I chuckled, grabbing a guitar of mine and playing some chords. I didn't have a song in mind, so it was just mindless playing. Whatever sounded nice together went together.

Sometimes I like to match people to  chords. It was a nice trick and fun to do. Can calm you down a lot too, suprisingly.

"Todoroki would be any of the D minor, them sad keys got him spot on." I said with a laugh

(Timeskip brought by lord themself)

I hd gotten dressed and was walkign to the cafe as it wasn't obnoxiously far, just far enough to be annoying.

"Kalminari really trying to get me to work out, ain't he?" I grumbled, plugging my earphone jacks into my phone, My Heart Is Buried In Venice sarted plaing as I walked and hummed along. Soon I got to the cafe and saw an unexpected classmate.

The one and only Momo Yaoyorozu.

Being Gay Is Great | MomojirouWhere stories live. Discover now