Chapter 1

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"Why do the beautiful people die first?" I remember asking my mother when I was very young.

I can't remember her face. Or her voice. But I do remember what her response was.

"Bam. Imagine we are in a field of flowers, and I ask you to get me some. Which flowers will you pick for me?"

I remember telling her. I'd pick the pretty ones. And then I understood.

A little while later, she died. And I was left with my father who, I also can't remember what his appearance was or his voice. I barely remember my childhood, or anything else before I got sent to the orphanage.

No one wanted me.

No one came for me.

I was all alone. And it pained me so badly.

Everyday I watched the other kids get sent to new homes, picked up by their new parents.

I wondered, why did no one want me? Why was I alone? Why was the orphanage warm and yet I still felt cold?

Why wasn't I good enough? I felt so helpless and lonely.

I left at eighteen, and found a job at a small flower shop on the other side of town.

For a male, I realy liked flowers. I spent many of my lonely days at the orphanage practicing how to make flower crowns and flower bracelets. Yes, a girly thing for a boy to do, but it was something I thoroughly enjoyed(I am not ashamed to admit that even though I'm a boy, yes I make flower crowns and I am making Bam do the same)

Now here I am, age twenty and still working at the flower shop. My boss, miss Rachel, is a nice lady. Though she's a little mysterious, I hardly know anything about her. But she's kind to me and is my only friend. I see her as a kind of mother figure because of how kind she is to me.

The flower shop is called Angel's White Flowers because the flowers we sell are all only white. Pure white. White lilies, white roses, white poppies.

Most of our customers are young lovers, engaged to be married, newly weds, older couples, or little kids. Oh, and this mysterious man who's hair is the collor of the sky. He comes here everyday, I guess after his work hours or during lunch. He likes white roses, and always ask me to make flower crowns for him out of the white roses he bought.

He's very handsome, but also a little intimidating. Miss Rachel doesn't like him though, and he doesn't seem to like my boss either. I don't know what's going on between them but everytime they catch so much as a glimpse of each other, the temperature drops down to 30 degrees celcious. It's a little scray especialy whenever I'm caught between them. A-and the glares he gives miss Rachel are as cold as ice.

Today was a normal day though. Our sky blue haired customer arrived the usual time he did at lunch time, he checked out a few white roses while I made a few flower crowns out of poppies and lilies. Miss Rachel was at the back sorting out paperwork.

Everything was going as they usualy did. Another, regular, boring typical day.

Well atleast it was for ten minutes.

I find myself trapped by our sky blue haired customer, my back against the counter and his deep blue eyes seemed to freeze my soul. I was shaking like a leaf either out of fear of what he was going to do to me or because of embarrassment of our indecent position.

"M-M-Mister...wh-what are you...what are--" I stammered, shaking beneath him.

He only responds by smiling at me, caressing my cheek with his hand before bringing his face closer to mine. I gulped and tried to lean further back to atleast keep some distance between us. He frowned at me, which caused me to stop.

"what are--"

"Bam" he said my name, smiling softly. Swallowing I nodded my head. "Uh uhh....what--"

"Date me"

Miss Rachel chose that moment to come back to see us in this indecent position. Before I had any chance to see my boss' reaction our sky blue haired customer pressed his lips against my cheek, causing all he blood in me to rush to my face and two seconds later I was reduced to a puddle on the floor.

(This is my first story so if this chapter was pathetic then I am sorry. Also if you're wondering why I, a boy, made such a girly cover well the answer is....I didn't make that cover. My sister did. Also she's helping me write so if Khun or Bam felt too OOC it's not my foult it's my sister's she hasn't watched TOG yet OR read the webtoon)

If You Were  A Flower I'd Pick Youحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن